NEO is Up 9,940% in 2017, Is It Still a Buy?
Can you imagine investing in Antshares (ANS), now NEO, at the beginning of 2017 when it traded at just $0.15? You’d now be up nearly 10,000%! Only in the crypto markets…

If first wrote about NEO in late June, when it traded at $5.75.
At the time I wrote: * While it may be volatile in the short-term, I think ANS has a lot more room to go higher. *
We’re up 162% since then.

Now NEO has a market cap of roughly $750 million. Is it a buy, sell, or hold?
I’ll reveal my answer in a second.
If you have the time check out this recent Ask Me Anything with NEO co-founders DA Hongfei and Erik Zhang.
We should see a lot of positive develops over the next 12-18 months.
This year we should see the first dApps on the NEO platform. And NEO plans to do a proof of concept as well.
I expect we’ll also see NEO added to more trading exchanges this year.
And then in 2018 we should see NeoX, its cross-chain interoperability project, and NeoFS, its distributed storage project.
With all the positive developments, I expect NEO to continue higher.
It should be a top 5 crytpo, implying 3-10x gains from here.
For more articles on cryptocurrencies follow me @g-dubs.
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Good points in this article. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. I strongly advice people to only buy in to cryptos that have a solid background: A solid team, product, advisors, preferably VC investors, etc. Sell all cryptos that don't have this solid background. It's a waiste of money. I found this amazing platform: They give great insights in the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and other techincal insights. Check for example: For the NEO Detailed analysis
Great website, thanks for sharing. I think NEO will be up another 300-400% before year end.
I love NEO and it has been one of my best investments. I haven't felt this strongly about a crypto being undervalued since I saw Ethereum at $7.
An ETH replay for NEO would be heavenly!
Giving away BTC? That's crazy talk ;-p
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Thank you I'll check it out
amazing NEo will get more higher :)
crazy, still a value here
Yo! I'm a fan, but I think your math is off...
Unless I'm wrong, it looks like NEO was indeed at 15 cents ($0.15) earlier this year, but is now at $15. That IS 100x, and staggering growth, but that's 10,000%, not 100,000%.
However, let's not lose sight of the really cool thing - 1000 bucks invested in the coin on Jan 1 would mean 100,000 today.
men......i sold my yesterday ,after a long wait for profit and bought bitcoin am in more than 50% at lost.too bad man!
Ouch! Trading the crypto markets so tough, I'm mostly hodling.
i have learnt my lesson.every day will learn one or two thing
If Bitcoin will get throught the SegWit activation without problems NEO will skyrocket with price up to the moon.
NEO itself is a great project a project that might be a new ETH or at least gain half of it if not majority but BTC is still somehow a stoppping force for all other Cryptos.
Buut, if everything will be okay BTC might get up to 3400-3600 barrier and NEO up to 100 USD if not more.
Agreed... I'm long BTC and NEO
Glad I got on board seems to have real upside possibilities.
hang on for the ride!
going to the moon
To the moon!