HODL Experiment - Why Im For Sia Coin - Day 4 of 365

in #bitcoin8 years ago

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I've been following Sia ever since it was listed on Bittrex awhile back. When a new coin is listed, I always tend to look into the tech and what it's all about. I never just buy something blindly, unless I'm 'day-trading' a coin and don't intend to hold. What did I learn about Sia?

Sia Is Cloud Storage On Steroids

Sia's tech is cool as hell. Distributed, Encrypted, Redundant Cloud Storage. Read about it entirely at http://sia.tech/ . Sia has a working product you can use today, with the cost to store 1TB of data vastly cheaper then other cloud hosts! You can store whatever you want privately at the moment. Public sharing of files and video streaming will be in an upcoming update which will definitely increase its appeal to users. All those video sites out there now, they all gotta host somewhere...

Once they make it easy for the average joe to store files, you will see Sia adoption grow and grow. At about 1 cent per Sia I am very confident in its growth potential! Even if its only worth 5 cents in a year, I'll still 5x my investment!

Have you heard of it before, and what do you guys think? Leave your comments below!


I've got about 800 sia coins im hodling. I hope it goes on a good run soon!

I think it will eventually. Streaming will add some storage uses that I think will make more people jump on board. But we'll see. I know they are re working the UI to make it easier to store things; Which IMO it desperately needs.

Siacoin needs a better user experience. I have not tried it myself but reviews indicating a 45 minute wait to set up a storage contract sure are scaring me away from this coin.