Why Do You Feel You Are Late To Cryptocurrencies?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I've seen this sentiment, "I am late to cryptos" echoed several times over the last year and half. Everyday I see this in conversations and posts on facebook groups.

There's no real need to say you are late. Frankly because we can't go back and change anything. We can only act on the information we have today.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile and have gone through multiple bear and bullish market phases. Anyone who has entered in any previous bear market including the one that we're in has profited when the market moved up over time.

This chart on Moonmath.win tells the tale of BTC's rise and fall since its early days. People have entered and lost in this market over short periods of trading. Some have benefitted over longer periods, others have been lucky to enter and exit with a huge sum and few others have lost doing the same.

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The market waits for none, you have to manage your money and do the best you can with the information you can gather. It's important to take advantage of market cycles. Crypto is still largely hype and that's why we have many projects in the top 100 which may or may not deserve to be there depending on your yardstick for measuring them.

Don't feel let down thinking you are late to the party. The party is yet to start. Chances are we'll see another big bull run somewhere down the road and everyone who got in now are likely to profit again from it.

Even i've missed a few boats due to various factors but seeing how well this sector is progressing i'm confident there will be many opportunities in the future to make more money as well as engage with incredible, exciting products and platforms powered by blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

In any case, all that I've said now isn't new information nor something out of the ordinary. Yet people feel bogged down with this feeling of being late.

Why do you feel you are late to cryptos? What's causing you to feel this way? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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As they say, hindsight is 20/20. How many nascent technologies can you invest in today that will guarantee you wealth tomorrow? The answer is zero, because you cannot predict the future. There were no guarantees for the early BTC holders either. Even those people have churned somewhat with market cycles. We are on the cusp of it no longer being an experiment. Now what you have, are large institutions looking to play in the crypto space. The early adopters never had that kind of intel. Will the supply be able to meet future demand? It certainly doesn't look that way. Maybe it won't until we start counting our BTC in Satoshis.

That mentality comes from missing out on the 20k surge. Any macro view of cryptocurrency could only conclude it's still in the infant (toddler at best) stages of development. What will it be 10 years down the road? At this point, no one is late to the party. They just didn't get alot of BTC when it was only a digital asset.

Kinda yeah, but kinda no.

My cousin @sauravrungta introduced me to Steemit back in 2016, and my brother and I did indeed give it a shot, but I guess we just didn't stick to it and I personally didn't feel comfortable working with him.

So after some arguments, I finally decided to start my own blog in 2018 apart from the account that we both shared even if it meant that I'd have to start all over again.

I told him that I know I can work better alone, but I don't think he believed me at the time, but now, my account (though isn't a goldmine) still is worth way more than the one we shared earlier.

All of this does make me feel both the options could be true. Early entry to crypto does give you a major advantage, but the time isn't the only factor.

One could start later and still end up more successful than someone who entered in the very beginning. Same thing works the other way around too. Someone who entered early can easily earn the big bucks without having to do much while someone who joined later could work tirelessly and still not make it.

There are so many forces acting on the chances of you being successful in the world of crypto that it's almost impossible to guarantee if someone will make it or not.

People who think are too late are normally poor people who are afraid to take action, so they use that argument as an excuse. Although it is not perfect buying BTC at $8K+ (considering it was worth cents), it´s never too late if you know what you are investing into, and the potential growth.

That rainbow only shows the short term bullish sentiment, if you draw it further in time it will reach unbelievable values.

People don’t know the future but they do know the past so it’s easy to feel like you missed something but hard to feel like you’re on the cutting edge

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is a really good topic, as I've seen many people has made it an habit to keep saying they are late to invest in cryptocurrency. What I always tell the is, it's now or or never. It's just the matter of investing wisely. Coin like VEIL is a really good choice if you are still thinking of which to buy right now. It's trading on lots of top exchanges.

Shoulda entered at the beginning of the rainbow 🌈🤣🚀

It´s never too late

The best time is now or never. ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

It's before to be late than never I guess...