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RE: How I learned to stop worrying and love the FUD

in #bitcoin8 years ago

You think Max and Stacy are working for the government (banksters)?

Awww, that's cute.

Wow, I mean... I guess anything is possible, but do you have any idea how long of a con job that would have to have been? LOL

Max and Stacy have been acting this WHOLE time???


They might not be acting. They might not know any better or they might know their boundaries.

They're not Glenn Beck. Sure, they have boundaries, or they might lose their show. They are pushing out a lot of information though that is very counter to the established order.

I strongly suggest Max and Stacy own crypto, precious metals, and have good preparedness in other ways. They see what's coming too and share what they can as a warning.

They could be faking all of that, or they are not faking and are genuine. Which is more likely? Why does every single person that is fighting for liberty's cause automatically have to be bad in some way?

Why is it that every single person that steps to the front of the lines to fight has to be a cointel agent, controlled opposition, etc.? Perhaps we should question the people calling them those things instead.

It is impossible to know a person's true motivation if they hide it well, but you can get a fairly accurate understanding of it by watching what they say and do. Max and Stacy are saying and doing all the right things.

Do you see inconsistencies?
