Forbes Opinion Blog: “Need to Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down”
A super statist named Jason Bloomberg believes in order to realize a more perfect state, the coercive apparatus of the state should be utilized to manage all digital forms of voluntary association. Bloomberg asserts this is necessary to fight crime.
The author prattles on to assert:
“ calling this threat the most dangerous of 2018.”The guy seemed to be concerned with hackers utilizing corporate and personal networks and computers for cyrptomining. He asserts the only meaningful way to prevent such mass thefts of computing power is to make cryptocurrency illegal.
The guy groups all cryptos together and asserts his construct of “permissionless blockchains” where people can mine somewhat anonymously needs to be stopped to prevent the hacking and mass theft of computing power.
So the guy then discusses how central control via what he constructs as “Know Your Miner” would be instituted to prevent stolen computing power to be converted into crypto that the author worries could fund a parade of horribles like terrorism or crime.
The guy then demands reality conform to his perceived dual alternate end states either 1. no more anonymous blockchains, all where people know their miner and prevent/deter computing theft, 2. make all cryptos illegal—because the war on drugs and prostitution and underage drinking and drunk driving work so great, ya know? He then goes on to laud and promote Ripple as a possible solution to his control freak vision of the future.
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AH Ha!
So many people have said Ripple is the banksters coin!
Straight from the donkey's mouth!
yea that's what ive heard, wonder what crypto will wiin
What a fooked up guy. So, this is also why I never liked ripple. If you're in ripple - you directly support statism. This embecile's a straight puppet clown type anyway, hope no man or woman takes him seriously. Well-read people don't need to be reminded, you guys know what's up.
yea seems like it totally coops some of the innovative aspects of bitcoin/anonymity, I think some system that prevents enabling computing theft may be important though to help prevent calls for the regulation this guy discusses, about just across the board making all illegal over a specialized issue, but not sure how far fetched that is--especially in merica where they launch wars over little to no evidence.
realmente disfruto esta publicacion exelente felicidades amigo
I dont underdstand
"He asserts the only meaningful way to prevent such mass thefts of computing power is to make cryptocurrency illegal."
Hmm, What a horrible crime, I wonder how we counter the mass theft of wealth by the central bank policies of inflation? Theft of wealth the common folk struggle to make by toiling in jobs they are slaves to each week, while central banks print trillions and they are worried about theft of computing power?
The whole point of this monetary revolution is completely lost on them, it's an extinction event and they really don't understand that yet.
yea, idk seems like that is one attack vector that may be used to prohibit cryptos--just like how they fail to prohibit so many other things.
Mo70n L4be
I dont understand haus