Bitcoins First - Buys Scams and Record Breaking Moments

The first bitcoin transaction that was negotiated for value was on the bitcointalk forums and was used to order two pizzas from Papa Johns. Here is the post that was made (bitcoins for pizza)
In 2011 the first two organizations to start accepting bitcoins where The Electronics Frontier Foundation and Wikileaks
On March 22nd 2011 the very first video about bitcoin to go viral was uploaded to youtube currently has 7,279,376 views
In 2012 Wordpress started to accept bitcoins and BitPay (a payment processor) reported over 1000 merchants started accepting bitcoins.
The very first car ever bought with bitcoins was the Tesla Model S for 91.4 Bitcoins. The second car ever bought with bitcoins was.. you guessed it.. a Lamborghini Gallardo by a 4chan user on 12/10 of 2013. Here is the original post
In 2014 the largest exchange MT.GOX suspended all withdraws and blamed it on technical issues, when in fact over 700 thousand bitcoin was stolen.
In January 2015 Coinbase smashed all records for a bitcoin company raising over 75 million USD in total Bitcoin.
2016 we see alot more companys start to accept bitcoin as a payment suchs as Steam for games, popularity starting to rise so more scams are coming out bitfinex was hacked and had 120 thousand bitcoin stolen which at the time was around 60 million dollars USD.
2017 bitcoin continues even stronger adoption and even more scams, Multi-lvl-marketing and pyramid schemes. Such as BitConnect and Genesis mining. Bitconnect can't survive to much longer and alot of people are going to loose a ton of money, its just a matter of time, they make mention of a "trading bot" which does not even exist on their platform. Genesis Mining is nothing more then referral spam same with Bitconnect. The only way people make REAL money with these programs is by getting others to sign up using their code.
August 1st 2017, Bitcoin Blockchain hardforks and creates Bitcoin Cash, to everyone's surprised it soared past 1000 dollars, a lot of people dumped early and made profits some held and sold at the very high. I heard and stories of people buying in and are now stuck with the coin in the high 800's. Only time will tell if their is community support for this coin.