How Blockchain can bring truckers an autonomy

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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In the world of transportation the truckers’ contributions are critical to the very success of the industry. Unfortunately, they still are highly dependent on the intermediary companies for getting the job. They also have to form and sign documents, communicate with various people and at the same moment drive along the road to bring the goods in time. Such conditions do not help to organize work efficiently. Truckers should pay attention to Blockchain, which can give them much more freedom and many new opportunities.

There are tens of millions of truck drivers In the world. In the US alone, 80% of all goods are transported by more than seven million of them. Each trucker should keep an eye on a lot of various non-driving tasks during the journey - pay the environmental fees, the fuel and even manage documentation. Today many start-ups and companies are trying to help truckers. There are applications that log drivers’ hours or help to save fuel and reduce emissions. But still they are not enough to ease their life. ENDO Protocol is able to offer a comprehensive approach that will include both roadside and documentation help.

Using the ENDO Workflow application, one can keep accurate stats of completed jobs, which will include all the data, such as the route length, the amount of gasoline spent as well as all other costs. There will be no need to carry paper documents or bills. It will all be managed automatically by smart contracts. These smart contracts will contain all the documents necessary, including customs declarations, certificates or invoices. The customer will be able to upload these data for the drivers directly in the Blockchain. Every detail of the job and the progress of its execution will be safely stored in a decentralized network, being transparent and verified.

ENDO Protocol can also replace many middlemen who stand between shippers and truckers. First of all, drivers will be able to conclude smart contracts directly with customers, regardless of companies that accept and distribute transportation orders. The payments will be done with ENDO Tokens, which will simplify many legal issues.

A decentralized network is also a convenient place for communication and information exchange between drivers. They will be able to help each other, organize joint delivery or enter into any other contractual relationship through smart contracts. Such an approach will help to return the industry back to the hands of the people who form it, create conditions for increasing the revenue and the efficiency of each individual carrier several times.

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