Breaking down the Bitcoin-related Senate hearing
Hey guys. I decided to go live today to break down the Senate hearing on cryptocurrencies. If I'm still live when you click play, you'll have to skip back to the beginning in order to watch the video in full.
Thanks for the video. It's about time we got some good news.
Nice stream...a little long, but it contains solid info. This meeting went better than I thought it would. This should bring some confidence back into the crypto market. There was a lot of uncertainty and doubt leading up to this meeting. Hopefully the bottom is in and we start heading back to where we were one month ago...
This is major news, positive for us and negative for the existing system...
HODL for the long run because fiat will collapse and we will be the best option moving forward
While the hearing could have been a lot worse, I’m afraid that we may be duped. A televised hearing is an opportunity for politicians to show off their skills and “wise demeanor”. These people are actors and can play to the audience. Their true face comes out behind closed doors, far from millions of eyes that can see their deviousness.

Make no mistake, the true mandate of the SEC is to serve Wall Street, not main street. Their very existence is based on legitimizing ways for their masters to fleece the little guy. (Think High Frequency Trading).
Keep a keen eye on what they do, not what they say.
These are the foxes telling the kitchens they are here to help.
It might be time to buy.
HODL sounds like a great idea.
Our favorite show in the crypto world :)
Too Funny :0
No one puts Doug in the corner
They have always a positive and negative feedback. So whatever it is, do it for your own sake...
Long term hold folks.... all of us should be extremely wealthy in the next 10 years if we just hold... Moon shot is coming!!! Bitcoin Love
Yep. You deserve a moon shot.
Bastards. Firstly they manipulated the prices and now they want to make us to listen to them. No way.
What? You realise that this is important - like really important, right?