Bitcoin Blasts Through $7,000... Are We Glitching The Matrix?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

As a cryptocurrency HODLer, these are good times.

I take a flight, arrive, and my bitcoin holdings have soared. I go to sleep, wake up, bitcoin is up.

As I write, from here in Lisbon, Portugal, for Steemfest bitcoin is over $7,300.

And Bitcoin Cash is nearly $700.

For a total of nearly $8,000 now.

Steemfest has been wonderful and we’ll soon release the video of my speech here.

In the meantime, I recently did an interview with James Gilliland of As You Wish Talk Radio. We talked about the real definitions of anarchy and voluntaryism as well as state programming, state schools, CNN mind control, and the real beauty of free markets at work.

I talk about how the wealth that is created by everyone - the fruits of our labor - are constantly being systematically siphoned through taxation. The government is a parasitic entity in this sense and we, the population, are the ones, unfortunately feeding it.

This is the reason why many mothers and fathers in the United States need to work two or three jobs - it’s the only way they can pay their extortion (tax) payments.

I mention how the biggest hindrance to people’s enlightenment is the fact that they are constantly kept busy and distracted between government schools, tell-a-vision programming, sporting events and drinking alcohol.

They never have a chance to read or watch any alternative news information or accounts of history other than what they are told in mainstream media.

You can see much more on what we discussed here:

The rise of cryptocurrencies enables us to escape the matrix. Is bitcoin a glitch in the matrix?

Stay tuned. The evolution has just begun!


And here in Nepal, BTC is just a dream. Was really hoping to get into the trade and started small with a couple of hundred dollars. ($100 = 10,000 of my money.) Then the government banned BTC trading here and arrested half a dozen people just for trading.
Now in a country which doesn't allow $USD credit cards, PayPal and any other online transaction sites, there is no way to buy and sell Bitcoins safely. Just a closed circuit of people trading with their freedom at risk. I hope we have a better future when our government opens its eyes.

Segwit2x Free Coins

How To Claim Free Bitcoin Segwit2x Coins

  1. Convert Your Altcoins To Bitcoin By November 18th At

  2. Hold Your Bitcoin In A Cold Storage Wallet Where You Control The Private Keys By November 18th. Create A Free Cold Storage Bitcoin Wallet Here:

Have you heard about the recent ICO success stories?
Many even small investors became millionaires in record time.
If you don't believe me - here is the proof...
Would you have invested 1.000USD in the ICO of NXT?
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WOuld you have invested 1.000USD in the ICO of IOTA?
That would be +133144% = 1.331,440.00$
By now you should have realized NOT TO MISS OUT.
on this once in a life time OPPORTUNITY
Here is your Chance - STEP 1 join by following the link below and register for free.
Step 2 Deposit Your Bitcoin.
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Don't forget to Forward this to your network of friends. Register for Free.

Your government's eyes are open. It's doing EXACTLY what it is designed to do. You and everyone in that region need to open YOUR eyes and dismiss the government swiftly

We are Matrixing out buddie!

How To Claim Free Bitcoin Segwit2x Coins

  1. Convert Your Altcoins To Bitcoin By November 18th At

  2. Hold Your Bitcoin In A Cold Storage Wallet Where You Control The Private Keys By November 18th. Create A Free Cold Storage Bitcoin Wallet Here:

You will receive an equal amount of Segwit2x Bitcoins as the amount of original Bitcoin you hold at the time of the fork November 18th.

I agree with this Jeff but its hard for people to dismiss their government when they use violence and fear to keep people submissive. I think it takes a critical mass of awake individuals before things will change... which I feel now is only a matter of time.

His point was we can wake-up and leave. Quit. It's bold. He did it. Then I picked my own life, made a Jeff Bezos reflection mode (think the future 80 year old you would feel regretful or not) and I did what Jeff did. Do note for years I've gradually move out of the system. I can't get too specifics though as an example in my country every one is programmed to own a car. Necessity or status symbol or whatever. I choose not to own one. Not being a slave to it.

Joyfully it's so much freedom. All the money saved. And there's Uber or ride sharing so things get better. Of course I have to suffer some parts , hardship. But looking back you cannot do anything but smile.

Try changing the government. (Voice) Or leave. (Exit) Two of the conceptually viable motion in voluntaryism and anarcho capitalism. Join Binance! Great new exchange with much lower fees when using the binance coin.

I wish you the best of luck my friend

This is what the government is supposed to do, restrict your freedom in order to keep the sheeps in enclosure

wow...that's really crap. Governments are getting nervous, their days are numbered.

be lucky @tagsplanet

Have you heard about the recent ICO success stories?
Many even small investors became millionaires in record time.
If you don't believe me - here is the proof...
Would you have invested 1.000USD in the ICO of NXT?
That would have been +419138% = 4.191.380.00$
WOuld you have invested 1.000USD in the ICO of IOTA?
That would be +133144% = 1.331,440.00$
By now you should have realized NOT TO MISS OUT.
on this once in a life time OPPORTUNITY
Here is your Chance - STEP 1 join by following the link below and register for free.
Step 2 Deposit Your Bitcoin.
Step 3 Be on time when the next round of the ICO is offered.

Don't forget to Forward this to your network of friends. Register for Free.

Say 'Steem!' Will be saying that every time I take a photo now :)

It is really amazing that bitcoin is going up and up. I am waiting for your post on steemfest @dollarvigilante

hopefully this imformation can be an additional science for me

Bitcon will hit the 10 000 dollars before the end of the year.

Dollarvigilante, congrats on having a chance to speak at Steemfest. Nice usage of the matrix to describe existing systems of centralization.

As Morpheus asked, "What is Real, how do you define Real?"

hello @dollarvigilante this is my sincere opinion.

If you would rather just buy your way into the world of digital currency, you can do so. It’s not difficult. All you need to do is set up a wallet online, make a purchase of digital currency in exchange for your conventional money and then start trading. While getting set up is easy, trading requires you to learn about the digital currency market and how to predict what the prices will do. Obviously you will aim to sell your currency when you can get a high price for it and buy when the price is low. Just like the conventional money markets, you can choose to trade on a daily basis or hold onto your coins in the hope that you will get a solid return on your investment over the longer term.

The jet-propelled bullet train of disruption is traveling fast and if you don’t jump aboard while you have the chance, it will be too far in the distance for you to hitch a ride. Take the opportunity while you can and I’ll hope to see you soon, somewhere on the road to riches—enjoy your trip. I hope this comment has brought some useful information as well as some disruptive inspiration.

steemit has been a daily bread for some of us here who are less fortunate to be in Africa.
We will continue to show our appreciation by spreading here in #Ghana -West Africa, and even to our relatives abroad.

i see #steemit about to disrupt facebook and you guys are great visionaries.
You are expendable and therefore worth following.

greetings from ghana,

I hope we see an up tick to ethereum coins :)))

Bitcoin Price Reaching $10k By April 2018! @applelex

You must be joking

By Jan 1 , 2018

Please watch this video Join Binance! Great new exchange with much lower fees when using the binance coin.

Bitcoins gone wild, but this is gerat because bitcoin is bringing more money to the cryptocurrency coins...more than 100,000 new users are signing to Coinbase daily...

For more information about bitcoin price reaching $10k by april 2018!
Visit the link :

If it hits 10k that's great for the crypo community...i still find more value with ethereum, hopefully we see some gains after the fork

I believe the future is EOS... 100%

EOS is on its way up. Bought some right after Jeff recommended it. Thanks Jeff.

Could easily go to $10.