Virtual currency. The value of Bitcoin is an endless climb ...

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

But where will he stop? The value of the bitcoin surpassed this Saturday for the first time in its history the $ 4,000, less than three months only after exceeding the $ 2,000.

Bitcoin, a decentralized virtual currency that is not governed by any central bank but by an algorithm, had for the first time exceeded $ 1,800 on May 11, 2017 when it was worth only $ 445 a year earlier. It is now trading at more than 4000 dollars!

The Bitcoin, what is it?

Formed of the English terms "coin", coin, and "bit", a binary computer measurement unit, the bitcoin designates a virtual currency derived from software designed in 2009 by one or more computer scientists hiding behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto .

Unlike physical currencies such as the euro or the dollar, the bitcoin is immaterial and is not governed by any central bank or government, but by a large community of Internet users. However, in Japan, a law dating from 2016 regulates companies managing trading platforms. This text on "virtual currencies" was decided after the scandal that led to the bankruptcy of the MtGox exchange platform in 2014.

Bitcoin currency, like other crypto-currencies, is used to pay for services, goods or even buy other currencies. It is however the most well-known and is now accepted by thousands of websites and shops with a spindle. To obtain these, there are trading platforms to buy bitcoins with other currencies.

How are bitcoins generated?

The creation of bitcoins is entirely computer-based, but it is reserved for specialists with servers of very high computing power.

A free software to download allows the manufacture of this currency, an operation called "mining". This requires solving successive equations before obtaining a bitcoin.

The algorithm generates bitcoins in decreasing numbers until the total in circulation (currently more than 16.4 million units, representing a total capitalization of about $ 43 billion), reaches the ceiling of $ 21 million. It is this "limited series" character that is partly responsible for the quest for this currency.

What future for this currency?

The encryption system used in theory guarantees the security and traceability of transactions.

But, according to its detractors, instrument of all illegal traffic because of the anonymity of payments, the bitcoin is, in its current form, vulnerable to theft or any other fraudulent operation.