A Secure Money That Could Bring The World Together?

in #bitcoin4 years ago (edited)

My co-worker was hesitant to interject as our client and I discussed pending economic issues and Bitcoin. The young man hailed from South Africa for blockchain development work here in North Carolina. It was a low traffic day at the office location but the banter was enriching as he grew openly opinionated about the inefficiencies of the banking system and projected adoption of Bitcoin as better money system.


My co-worker became growingly impatient. She blurted, "Yes, I believe we have that! They are coins, right?" He jokingly asked, "banks are offering Bitcoins?" I swiftly informed her that they were not actual coinage- before the conversation went "too far off the rails". She retracted her statement and continued processing his request to wire transfer funds to Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/join/hart_yy?src=android-email-invite for his regular purchase of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


After his request, it immediately occurred to me that there were people from other reaches of the world that adopted Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It was refreshing. A digital currency that anyone could completely own and send freely across borders could be used by seemed to connect two people from different parts of the world. This adoption was understandable because some countries were exposed to civil unrest and economic ruin from irresponsible government and monetary policies. I understood it was only a matter of time before the United States would have to face similar challenges from its ever expanding debt (now at $27 trillion at the time of writing).

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The client left and my co-worker was quite curious. I was excited to see that because I could talk about my affinity for cryptocurrencies for hours. However, it wasn't the best time to give her a full presentation on the significance of Bitcoin. I encouraged her to look into it. I knew, such as I did, that she would have to stumble down the rabbit hole for themselves. The discover the indigestible truth of what paper currency actually is; and how it has created disparaging wealth inequalities and destabilized countries. When I look at Turkey and Venezuela just to name a couple, it makes me metaphorically clench a trustless and finite money system that can not be devalued to cause generational wealth destruction.

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