This Article May Make You Re-evaluate Your AltCoin Investments
In the following article from Coindesk, 'P4man', apparently, an active bitcoin miner and investor with an academic background in economy and IT, evaluates the crypto markets and compares Bitcoin with Ethereum.
While self-admittedly having a pretty large stake in Bitcoin, and as such, coming from somewhat of a biased perspective, in the article, he makes some rather objective observations of the crypto market and Etherium in general.
By looking at the fundamentals of what makes a successful digital currency viable, namely:
Value as a transactional currency
Value as a secure store of wealth
Derived value
He then uses this lens to critically evaluate the ethereum and altcoin markets, making some rather interesting points on the matter, which, are specifically relevant to the latest ICO boom and subsequent correction we are experiencing.
An interesting read which at the very least, gives some food for thought and an educated less bullish perspective on things.
To summarise:
So the article is basically only about Ethereum. And we all know Ethereum will be replaced by EOS soon.

Personally, I don't think that Eth is a no go, it has pretty substantial market awareness and sentiment surrounding it, and, if nothing else, perception is reality.
While the article is primarily about eth, I feel there are many parallels to be drawn to other altcoins, and, I feel the broader context on the ICO point speaks to both the growth and subsequent correction in market cap recently.
That meme though. :-)