I cover digital currency at Yahoo Finance, hi.

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

Hi, I'm Daniel Roberts. I'm poking around here for the purposes of a potential story.

I'm a journalist at Yahoo Finance, previously at Fortune Magazine, and have covered bitcoin and digital currency since 2012. I'm interested in Steem as a concept, espec. as it relates to using crypto as an incentive for content creators as well as consumers.

If you think you have anything interesting (and unbiased) to say about your experience with Steem so far, shoot me an email: droberts at yahoo-inc dot com.

Some of my recent bitcoin coverage, if you're curious:


looking forward to reading your story, I have created many videos about steemit, this is my most recent

transparency is good since it will most likely lead into accountability, something that is lacking currently on many social media platforms.

It's "work" now, but I'm convinced you'll stay after your article is ready! :)

I think out of the dozens of divisions Yahoo used to hold but closed down. Out of the few remaining, only Yahoo fiance, Yahoo news and yahoo sports actually positively contribute to the company.
But truly Marissa Mayer; truly, truly, did she really go to a yahoo shareholders meeting and look something up on google search. Yes; truly while she has done remarkably well for a young person, and the fact she is female; but truly you just sometimes cannot overcome blondeness...
Anyways a few years ago our youngish lady earned around 42 million dollars in her package; then less than 15 months later her package came closer to around 14 million in total; still better than having to work for a living :)
But as far as refloating Yahoo; that will only happen after Noahs Ark, the Titanic the Exxon Valdez and the Costa Concordia are refloated...
Good Luck Marissa and I look forward to following your next job profile ;)

If you write serious well thought out arguments about cryptocurrencies especially bitcoin people will pay your pathway in steem...
People herein are sick of the status quo and you can capitalize a lot if you can write well thought out short interesting pieces about cybermonies...
Truly if i had a relevant background i would give it a go myself, but you already have a background in online writings, industry experience and niche market knowledge; truly i so envy you if i knew where you lived i would come over and egg your mailbox; just kidding, but i am serious you can create a core following here that will pay you if you just choose to open your eyes...
/hugz ;)