The 7 Hottest Cryptocurrencies to buy now - let's take a look at my carefully handpicked coins!
I'll keep it short and simple...
Here's a list of my current favourite cryptocurrencies to invest in right this minute.

1. DigiByte
If you missed the boat with Bitcoin, you have another chance to hit the jackpot with Digibyte. That's just my honest opinion. I am currently the proud owner of 309,048 DigiBytes, and I'm intending to buy even more. Here's why...
- The technology behind DigiByte is second to none. Even though the current price at the time of this post stands at $0.009136 (to be precise), one would be a fool to let that get in the way of their investment decision making. 12 months ago a hundred thousand DigiByte's cost around $18. Today that amount stands at approximately $1,080. This is a forward thinking Global blockchain with a clear vision and solid roadmap ahead. With projects lined up for 2018 such as DigiHash, DigiBot, Digi-ID, DigiPlayground, DigiMessenger, Emma A.I., DigiMan, DigiSeeder and Easy Miner, I can only imagine what will happen to the price. They're also well on the way to getting listed on another 11 major exchanges as well as offline hardware wallets including the Ledger Nano and Trezor.

I'm convinced DigiByte will hit $1 USD in the near future. If not, I'll happily cut off both my arms and legs. I'm hoping to gather 1 million DigiBytes before that happens.
2. Steem
I think it's safe to say that Steem is an absolute no brainer. A cryptocurrency backed blockchain backed social media site just sounds like music to my ears. Mind blowing potential! This is something that has never been done before, yet I sense massive growth ahead. This is a revolutionary platform with the ability to make Facebook one day look like MySpace. It's still in its very early stages and is improving all the time.
I predict Steem to hit $10 easily by the end of 2018. Steem's page views are growing over 300% every year. As long as that pattern continues we should expect to see the price of steem hit 3 figures by 2020.
3. Vertcoin
This is a coin I'm extremely excited about. Similar to Litecoin, but better! Not all that long ago, Vertcoin was under a dollar. Known as 'the people's coin', Vertcoin has already implemented SegWit, stealth addresses, lightening network and atomic swaps.
I decided to take my chances a few weeks ago and purchased 650 Vertcoins for around a dollar each. Today's price stands at $3.43 and briefly passed $4.00 before a small adjustment. That's right, I've literally tripled my money. Expect Vertcoin to be a top 20 coin next year!
4. Verge Currency
This one got me scratching my head for a little while, but finally won me over. There seems to be wide agreement that Verge currency is presently the most solid, secure and anonymous cryptocurrency. With a strong fictation on privacy it is currently ranked as number 71 on CoinMarketCap. It has a total maximum supply of 16,555,000,000. Over 14,157,000,000 are already in circulation which means the maximum supply is close to being reached. Once that happens, I have no doubt it will affect the price significantly.
Verge also seems to be a very stable currency. Unlike other cryptos which are largely influenced by the rise and fall of Bitcoin, Verge is not influenced as much, and as has also suffered less major losses to date when the giant crypos seem to suffer significant losses. This tells me we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. It is still yet to get listed on many of the big exchanges. Therefore, you obviously want to buy Verge before that happens. After finding a couple of independant and comprehensive technical analyses of Verge, they both agree on a target price of around $1 within the next 1 - 2 years!
5. E-Currency Coin
Here's a much less familiar coin which is currently only listed on one exchange so far, so no chance of a price crash. I'm always on the look out for new cryptocurrencies and this one has won my attention. With a current price of $0.000230, it has previously reached high rankings on CoinMarketCap. Currently listed on, it's safely out of the sight of the whales, and seems like a coin worth holding for the long term. Only a matter of time before this coin gets noticed. I expect the price to triple once it gets listed on a second exchange.
6. Royal Kingdom Coin
I was minding my own business in one of the crypto telegram chatrooms when a message popped up with an invite link to Royal Kingdom Coin (RKC). At first I thought it was a false alarm, until I checkout out the website and read the white paper.
Here's a coin with only 15 million coins in total. At a current price of $0.40, the company plan to invest 50% of their total profits into RKC starting from January 2018 which will no doubt drive up the price. There are also many coins destined to be burned along the way. Plus there will be free distrubuted tokens to all token holders. Royal Kingdom Visa cards are also on the way!.I'm hanging on to my 860 RKC coins for now as I feel quite optimistic about this one.
7. Electroneum
If there's a cryptocurrency out there worthy of knocking Bitcoin off it's number one spot, it's probably Electroneum. Launching on November 1st, it has already rasied $40 million dollars from its ICO which ended over a week early. with 21 billion coins in circulation and only 2 decimal places, ETN feels like a fiat currency. This will be the first cryptocurrency which appears to the masses, rather than the tech-savvy. Along with a smart phone mining app, it has a potentially monumental reach. That's over 2.2 billion smartphone users. Need we say more!
Feel free to comment below, I'd love to hear your thoughts...
Great Post I'll feature this on my Crypto Kingz Show .. check it out
Awesome! Please do. Followed you, feel free to follow me back. I wish you massive profits!
nice post.. will consider buying some of these