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RE: What The Byzantine Empire Teaches Us About Using Bitcoin & Gold In Tandem: Learn How History Provides Examples Of When The Use Of Gold Has Been Complimented With Various Means Of Short-Term Pricing & Transaction.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

gold and bitcoin as a complementary asset in a portfolio? that's something new to consider. The liquidity in both markets is an important issue to consider.


True @dali.soh. This consideration will also depend on the investment term that an individual is looking to target. Real estate is notoriously illiquid but enjoys widespread support regardless. In bitcoin's case the ability to trade 24/7 on multiple exchanges is something of an evolution in access to liquidity.

Thanks for the intelligent comment!

Well, the reason why anyone would want to invest in real estate is to generate income and a way to hedge against inflation. I won't hold gold other than to store value. While bitcoin maybe more liquid than gold, bitcoin is still not used widely as a real medium of exchange yet.

Gold bitcoin arbitrage is something I'll consider playing.