Reasons I am long on BTC, ETH, EOS + open to new ICOs.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

1.- It’s all about the value. Not only the market value we can see going up and down on the screens every day, but the value the cryptocurrencies bring to the table of the world economy, among them: agile investment opportunities for the 99% and agile crowdfunding opportunities for new companies working on disruptive technologies.

2.- Efficiency, redefined. The well-established cryptocurrencies and the new releases give us a whole new level of interactions, transactions and business models that make things simpler for the 99%. They bring a myriad of solutions that 10 years ago we were not even ready to imagine.

3.- The exponential is king. Less than two decades ago the cost of sequencing a human genome was in the hundreds of millions of dollars, today it is in the hundreds of dollars (soon it will be in the dozens). In the past two years humanity has created more data than in the entire previous history. The list of examples of how exponential technology is changing the world is immense. Blockchain opens the door for exponential solutions across industries, the cryptocurrencies are just the tip of the iceberg, and in the next few years we could be running entire institutions and even entire governments on blockchain (watch Estonia very closely). In this context the cryptocurrencies become more relevant by the hour.

4.- ICOs are the most disruptive fundraising mechanism in the world so far. Yes, we should look for value, strong basis and good teams, but beyond choosing one over the other to invest in, take a moment to think about the fact that by investing in ICOs we are fueling the future: a group of people have a moonshot idea and then the entire crypto community makes it possible, generating new benefits for the community, the economy and the world. It is modern-day alchemy.

Stay strong. Stay creative. Stay united. Stay optimistic. The future is ours!



Photo credit: CPSU.


the reason Im long is simple.. 8 years total market cap reached $20B in last 6 months $120B thats a 5 X.. but its not over 1 Trillion dollars is coming by end of 2018 and we all will look like geniuses

What ICOs are you thinking? Anyone?

CLOUT is going to disrupt the crypto space as we know it IMO. Look into it yourself. Check my articles on it to get started! "Greenbuff" ref code during PRE-ICO gets you 10% Bonus CLOUT. Let me know what ya think!

ICOs need some regulation though, they are out of hand.

When you want to regulate a decentralised product, you're beating its purpose.. How about instead of regulating stuff, people start doing their own due diligence with ICOs and use critical thinking before rushing into investing their life savings?

I agree as well brother!! Let jesus coin be a thing, sure some idoits will throw money at it...but more people will throw money to open source windmill/solar farms, gardens ect. Its all about research.

Absolutely agree!! Following you already! Thanks for your comment!

There's valid points on both sides of this conversation.

Although everyone is responsible for what they do with their own money and it's not any government's job to protect stupid people who refuse to educate themselves...... there's another point that goes overlooked.

When people get scammed it reflects on all of us. If you own crypto - ultimately you are suffering when scammers come into the industry.

People who were scammed are not shy about broadcasting to the world and to the media and anyone who will listen..... but they never say, "I was stupid and it's my fault." -- they blame the entire industry and this is YOU.

Worse is: people believe them and they stay away from this incredible market. This keeps new people out and old people leaving ---- The market flatlines when there's no new money and none of us make money...

With that said.... If you're opposed to government regulation on crypto it makes you obligated to protect the ignorant people (as unfair as that is). We have to do a better job of self-regulating.

If you know-of an existing scam or one being born... speak out about it. Tell everyone. Write posts about it. Tell the media.

Definitely, we should all help the community differentiate the scams from the real value-adding opportunities!

Bitcoin is here to stay and nobody (including Jamie Dimon) can stop it .... unless something even better comes along.

I think Bitcoin will stay even if there is better technology. Maybe they will use new tech to enhance bitcoin. It has taken so long for bitcoin to hit the crowd and day to day stores that I do not see a new currency taking over. Bitcoin will be king.

Here is a Technical Analysis that portends something better might come along. The Head & Shoulders pattern is very bearish. The fact that the /BCT charts dipslay this for ETH/BTC, DASH/BTC, etc portends a superior reference coin is approaching.

Thank you.

Retarded people, we don't need regulation, you need brains.
-signed: everyone with an IQ above 1

I too am against regulation. But Bitcoin will undergo evolution. Another coin is expected to evolve into a better one.

The most efficient regulation is done by the market itself. When a community comes together to protect its members, it will always be more efficient than a government initiative to do the same. The solution here is organizations like If we create organizations that do the research and what's more, are run by already trustworthy members of the community, we can eliminate fraud much more easily.

Yes that is the dream for sure, the big question always becomes, who are these "trusted" individuals? Especially when a lot of money is involved.

Regulation no. Rewards, punishment and possible elimination through market forces, yes.

Who enforces these things? What is to stop them from "ganging up" on whoever they don't like?

The bad ones are sapping away funds that should be going to the legitimate ones.

I provide free technical analysis for crypto holders and many requests reflect many having been scammed. Many of the youtube personalities take payments to hype the ICOs.....sad.

How has your technical analysis trading worked for you lately? It seems to be that everything is basically trading together these days. It all goes up with BTC and it all goes down with BTC.

Yes, I've often written that Bitcoin is the moon that moves the tides Altcoins swim in. My service is free in that 95% of my posts are from analysis requests made by readers and followers. If you have any you'd like charted, please feel free to let me know. Also, check out my latests video analysis posts.

Lets start with Steem, where is that one going next? I have some coin to plop down, but perhaps I can time my buy better than the last few times.

I also agree as well.
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Does spamming ever really work on here? Srs

I agree thank you for sharing and posting this!

Thank you very much for your comment! I am following you already!

Nice post cryptotequila! I totally agree with you. IT will be great if you share with us your portfolio of cryptos:)

Thank you!! I am following you already! Sure, soon I will share my portfolio!

Going long on crypto is great.
But ICO is different story

Cool :D

I have been looking at Electronium ICO with 50% bonus coins ending in a few hours today? (my link gets you 1% additional on top)

I did notice they had interest from an investor of Uber and Spotify. I grabbed some minor coins to see where this one rolls so only buy what you are prepared to lose :) If anybody knows anything negative about them let me know! Always good to do your DD here.

Check out CLOUT, it's in on my profile, two articles.

Have a look at my post,

ICO helps me to get more profit than trading. That's all