2018 Bitcoin North American Conference (Miami) - Where Are the Women?

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Bitcoin Conference! Where Are the Women?

The North American Bitcoin Conference is held in Miami this year - and it's in a few days January 17-19, 2018!

Just checked the speaker list for BTC North America

There are 120+ speakers - yet I counted just 4 women! Here's the screenshot below:

The Speaker Page

2018-01-15 10_03_24-Speakers – The North American Bitcoin Conference – BTC Miami.png

Actually - there's 2 in the screenshot up there. They probably bumped up the women to the top of the page. But the list is 120+ people long with 4 women.

Really? That's it?

His Fault or Her Fault?

Whose fault is it? At first, I might say it's just that women aren't interested in that stuff - which is partly true.

But oh wait, did you notice the Networking "After Party" is at a strip club??

Well, E11Even Miami - nightclub with dancers etc for a business conference. You decide whether that counts as strip club or not.

I actually think it's kind of cool that people from the conference can choose to party if they want - though I also see how it can be degrading for women trying to actually do business.

Photos from Last Year's Bitcoin Conference

oo - lala - so THAT's where the women are!


On the one hand, more women need to participate and be interested in male-dominated industries.

But hey, it doesn't help that the after party of the largest North American Bitcoin Conference is held at a strip club - sponsored by Dash (DASH) coin!

In order for true main stream adoption of cryptocurrencies, men AND women will need to be participate - otherwise this whole decentralized movement will only capture half the planet!

Women - get involved and help make crypto mainstream!

Men - encourage women to get involved - you need them to make your cryptoinvestments go up sustainably!


  • I can't tell which side I'm supposed to be on!
  • I kind of don't mind - but also realize it's not great for women's status to be taken seriously in a business setting.
  • What do you think?

What do YOU think?

Should there be more women speakers at the North American Bitcoin Conference? What can be done to change things? Can women play bitcoin and play pretty/sexy at the same time? Comment below.

This is an @OriginalWorks by @CryptoSurfer - Follow, Upvote, Resteem, Participate!



I only just heard about this and all I can think is "Seriously??"

The fact that there aren't more women speakers - OK that's sort of understandable - if there's only 2% women in the crypto space then of course there's also only 2% women speakers.

But to do the main event at a strip club???

I have zero judgment about strippers but it's a fact that strip clubs are targeted to men, and if you hold an event there you exclude a big part of your audience.

I can totally imagine that many women didn't sign up to the conference in the first place, or skipped this particular event (in fact I know that for sure) - which could otherwise have helped integrate them more.

Big Fauxpas. Especially for Dash, who sponsored the event. The same Organisation that I'm so proud being a part of and that sponsors me to do outreach and crypto education for women entrepreneurs.

I do trust the Dash people are conscious enough to not make this mistake again.

You're part of Dash? I couldn't tell if it was just a nightclub or also a strip club. I heard from people who went that there was indeed a strip club.

I am. I believe it was a strip club from what I've heard.
Many (men and women) in the Dash community are quite concerned about that. We're also pretty sure that it was an unfortunate oversight of Dash Core, who sponsored this. I was happy to hear that the Dash people did not attend the event at the club.
I think they will pay a lot more attention from now on, before they say yes to sponsoring something.

Are the rich ones here? :D

Women are rare to be found in tech industry, but that does not mean that they are not capable to be in the industry. Blockchain technology is still at the infancy stage. I guess we will see a better mix in the gender ratio when it starts to become the mainstream.