DataDash confessions

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Crypto Youtuber DataDash confesses in his latest video that he took monetary compensation for promoting Substratum on his video reviews. It is not clear if he was caught and confessed or was burden with guilty that he confessed. Either or, his confession to his viewers was a heart felt apology. He now claims he will promote transparency for all his recommendations going forward.

He also says there is a problem with the 100k in Substratum that he was given for his promotion of the cryptocurrency. The SSD hard drive became corrputed when he tried putting myetherwallet on the drive. Which he claims is now lost. Given the current price of Substratum, 280K worth is now sitting in no man's land.

Opinion: I see nothing wrong with taking a monetary value in promoting a cryptocurrency AS LONG AS you tell your audience that you are doing so and let them take your recommendation....good or bad. We see this every day in Youtube from beauty to fashion recommendations. But you MUST disclose that you are doing so. Will DataDash recover from this fiasco. Yes. He might lose some viewership and he will have distracts from it but overall he will continue to do his youtube videos and viewers with still buy on his recommendations.

End Opinion.

That is all for now.

Armando out!
