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in #bitcoin7 years ago

can,anyone EXPLAIN. This is second post today where he talks about trading in USD. Most exchanges you can only trade in with BTC or ETH. USD is only for the big coins and even then only at places like gdax. Haejin knows this, so WHY does he keep talking about trading in USD when he know you CAN’T

brings me to my second point. In the last few weeks in ore derby to buy HAEJIN,
‘S suggestion I woulda have had to sell ETH. ETH has gone up 60to 70% since then. had I sold I be losing money. BE GREAT if get some feedback on this. Haejin does not address this and none of his stuff have a timeframe. Yes, they can hit, but truth if you could have hit it sooner, made MORE, with LESS stress just holding ETH


If you go back and try to do an analysis of any potential for success with haejin's recommendation it would be a crap shoot. Alt coins have been trending up for 6 months and up sharply for the last month.

The famous quote is "With a strong enough tail wind, even a turkey can fly"

That is the current world of cryptos, for the last 3 months. It doesn't matter a lot what you bought.

Buy and hold a weighted average of the top 30 coins from CMC and you would be up 500% in the last 3 months.

So when Haejin reports, buy, buy, buy. It may look like genius recommendations to an untrained eye.

Reality is let me give you a better recommendation - buy and hold a weighted average of the top 30 coins, rebalance every 2 weeks so you sell some of the recent big gainers, and buy more of the losers, in the top 30 mix, and you will make out fine.

Not nearly as exciting though as 5 posts every hour with new buy recommendations.

Grea explanation. Reminds me of the book Fooled By Randomness, by Nassim Taleb.

My admiration will go to the person predicting the timing and the magnitude of the bubble' s burst (which would, in turn, remind me of the book The Big Short by Michael Lewis)

Thing is friend, @haejin has been saying for months that 'an altcoin symphony' is in the making - That is, even months before they actually started going up. He has been calling the market trend bullish at times when fear of a crash was dominant and has been proven right. So your argument is very valid, any bullish prediction of a top 50 coin has come through - since November. It is however not relevant, as the predictions have started in June/July, at a moment were most top 50 coins were bleeding hard. He stuck with them for months and now they ring true.

To connect with your analogy:
Any turkey that can accurately predict a tail wind strong enough to fly on, has the capacity to create an environment where it can fly.

It's called mass-posting. Not much value in the post, but catchy headlines and images create high volume of comments and upvotes.
Also, crazy predictions with little fundamentals (e.g. if this cross this limit, then an upside of 1-gazillion-percent is in the near future) will always get attention of the untrained eye.

Bingo, on the analysis from antonio.

Not true, his analysis are genuine and can learn you a lot, you do not have to follow his advice, juts UNDERSTAND it and then TAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS !!!
But I'm ok with the fact that @haejin continue to tell us to buy on usd pairs when they did'nt exist on any exchanges.

Just take some % of your holding to trade, if you trade the coins @haejin recommend you will earn more than just holding the pair coin. I'm only trading on BTC pairs though, and I've only taken 33% on my BTC holding to do that. Remember that if the coins go up when you sell it you got more coins than before, so in your case more ETH, if it has gone up in value it's just more profitable. I do not want to be aggressive, but think before posting and, and thta's a wise advice THINK BEFORE TRADING, you're the one that trigger the buy/sell button, not @haejin or any adviser. Peace and love bro :-)

HI Everyone, thanks for all your responses. Lots of insight

You should do a rigorous analysis of the results if you followed EVERY SINGLE one of Haejin's recommendations. Not just the ones that happen to be just prior to when an alt-coin pops. But EVERY SINGLE RECOMMENDATION, when he makes the recommendation.

I think you would be surprised - that you are being fooled by randomness.