BTC-e Promises To Keep Users Up To Date During Relauch of New Bitcoin Exchange

in #bitcoin8 years ago

bitcoin in jail.jpg

The largest bitcoin exchange in the world, BTC-e before it was shut down by US authorities in late July is planning on releasing daily updates during their efforts to relaunch their replacement exchange.

BTC-e was initially targeted because the exchange did not comply with anti-money laundering laws and was apparently under the control of Alexander Vinnik which they claim is responsible for the hacking of MTgox. Shortly after the arrest US authorities seized the exchanges domain and fined them $110 million.

Days after the shut down BTC-e twitter account became active and the unknown operator posted a promise to return funds and relaunch under a new name. BTC-e had claimed that they had possession of the server data and wallets and also stated that they only were only able to obtain 55% of all funds and 45% were in US position. Later BTC-e promised to issue debt tokens to replace the stolen funds.

According to statement by the company on they are in the process of transferring their assets to an investment company that is helping the exchange relaunch.

In their statement BTC-e promised to allow all users to immediately retain 55% of their funds after relaunching. There next update is August 30 and more frequent updates will follow.


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Биткоин норм, но не понял я что ты написал

I still had 2 rubles on there, and I want them back. :D