Orvium – A Blockchain-Based Solution for Problems in the Publishing Industry

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Do you know that the profit margins of top five publishers in the world exceed those of giant companies like Amazon and Google? It’s so surprising, right? However, there are some problems found in the field caused by the actions taken by some private scientific publishers and the condition of the current publication model. Here are the details of the problems that become the reason of the presence of Orvium.


What happens in the publishing industry is that the private scientific industry is trying to push the publication fee to the community. There is a triple-pay system implemented by this industry. First, most of the research is funded by governments. Second, the payment for volunteer scientists reviews the work. Volunteer scientists here means any scientists who voluntarily join the research for experienced and are paid by either research institutes or governments. The third awkward system is that publishers sell the product back to campuses and governmental institutions. Actually, these three systems have already been criticized by some research institutions and scientists but until today there have not been any solutions for these issues.

Furthermore, there are some problems of the existing publication model such as the expensive cost of publication, lack of recognition and rewards for reviewers, opaque copyrights, and many others. These problems directly give some impacts to the research community. Some ideas have been proposed in the last few years but these ideas still fail to deal with the inefficiency and omit the barriers.

Orvium Mission

The mission of Orvium to address the problems that cause the market inefficiency and increase the effectiveness and quality of scientific publishing. The goal of Orvium is to be the best publication platform that serves the community by offering the society exceptional benefits of science publishing.

Orvium Solution

In order to realize the mission and achieve its ultimate goal, Orvium is initiating some solutions to solve any current problems related to scientific publishing. Orvium utilizes some cutting-edge technologies that are integrated into one system. These technologies include Ethereum blockchain, smart contracts, big data analytics, and cloud computing. The integration of these technologies is needed to establish a platform that can process, authenticate, and distribute the data and results of research. In this way, research data and results can be seamlessly integrated.

There are some characteristics of Orvium Platform. First, it provides instantaneous proof-of-existence. Once a manuscript is submitted to the platform, they can be directly available. Second, authors own their copyright and licenses. It means that they can freely control over their own work and enjoy its potential financial benefits. Third, the work can be optimally published with small access costs because the price is no longer determined by oligopolistic or monopolistic market structures. Fourth, the platform enables the creation of low operational cost and easy maintenance decentralized journal via an efficient framework. Besides, through the platform, continuous and transparent peer reviews can be performed. In this way, the soundness and validity of the research can be openly determined. The peer reviewers will be rewarded and they will also earn public recognition.

The platform also allows for the freedom of journal subscription. There is no specific model enforced for journal subscription. Furthermore, Orvium accommodates gray literature and its authentication. In addition to that, the platform also provides peer review quality and other transparent calculation of quality metrics. More importantly, by using Orvium, you can get rid of plagiarism, predatory conflicts, and other conflicts related to ownership and registration. Last, as a social platform, the platform always becomes an open source.

About the Orvium Token (ORV)

ORV is a new digital cryptocurrency specifically made for the Orvium platform. This token is the base for Orvium’s transparent and competitive business model. The exchanges of the token will be generated among journal owners, peer reviewers, readers, and institutions through peer review, research data sharing, manuscript submission and other different phases of journals’ life cycle. ORV will always support global research by ensuring the continued development of Orvium platform. Unfortunately, the starting date of ORV token sale has not been a revealed year.

In the next article, you will read about the further details of the platform. You will be introduced to the team of Orvium and the roadmap for the project.

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