What You Will Never See in the Cryptocurrency Community

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hello Knowledge seekers,

it sounds a bit hard right? as the title talks about a trait that nor a fool or wise might know. A trait that doesn't make a person look like fool but more of a brain dead on the other side of the spectrum. And a lot of people's pride takeover their minds, logic, and handiness.

This is a trait that you will and yes only find the cryptocurrency community and nowhere else you name it. No matter how many hours, facts, and maps you give to your opponent they don't surrender and accepting defeat is the most difficult but nesscary,part of competition.

That is the stubbornness of the people. Every community, project, or coin has one of them people that spread like a plague and become thousands potentially tens of thousands of the stubborn uneducated, undiligent, and arrogantly thinking they're always right when they have made more than 30% down on there crypto portfolios, liquidated all their leverage trades, lost all money to scams they insist to stick to this never ending cat and mouse chase but in this case.

The '"investor" is the sheep and the smart scammers are the wolves and the diligent investors are the dogs in the pack with the sheep. They can defend themselves against the wolves even if its just scaring the wolf away but the sheep will be devoured one after the other.

You'll never see a diligent investor in these groups as they always hunt and by themselves while fools attract other fools like them.

My adversary and competitor in crypto, know this for a fact. When a fool thinks the wise becomes wiser and when the wise talks the fool starts thinking how to outsmart him only to end single handedly defeated.


interesting words of advice.