
hes entertaining though :)

Yeah he is wild. We need more people like him to put a smile on our faces!

To a certain extent. His antics can be considered detrimental to the space as a whole

I think at his age it's won't matter much if he does it or not :)

Exactly the old hag really doesn't matter but wish he is right, would love to see BTC over 1 million dollar some day.

Well, it depends how much 1 million dollar will still be worth. hope there won't be any African situations with inflation so high 1 M = 1 USD now

Exactly! He is banking on the fact that there will be hyperinflation in the fiat world by the end of 2020. Very likely that the combined effect of Bitcoin's deflation with fiat inflation will allow his prediction to come true! In the future I can see $100 having the purchasing power of a $20 bill right now.

Hey isn't everyone about that?

We all play various roles to try to get attention from other humans. Some just becomes more famous from it. Surely this person has built a business in life so clearly he knows some things at least. Especially if we compare to the average person that hasn't put themselves out there that much. All controversial people usually speak lots of truth of what will happen. But the mainstream masses loves to live in denial and feed themselves with same boring stories day by day. We need some romantic excitement and drama.

Isn't it boring with lame humans that just conform and acts just like everyone else? Exactly! Here we have someone that is a true individual and unique which is very refreshing. People usually doesn't understand how hard this is in a sheep society. For example you upvote your own comments. Hey isn't that a bit delusional as well by your standards? Your comment is boring and predictable. It's not exciting. Why not mix it up?

We have to realize that reality is complex and nuanced. You can sherry pick small things from a person and make any argument. But that isn't really how a mature man should value another man. It's very silly and immature. And clearly this man talks and get your attention. So he is very smart! As we now are starting to live in a digital world all becomes about pulling off a show for the masses. And we appreciate a good show. Same reason people go watch Netflix or a new Hollywood cinema movie.

Oh is that so? so when will Verge hit $15? or is DGB still one of the best small currencies? There is a stark difference between being bold and being Outlandish.

As for my self upvote. I am on my out of this platform, may as well scoop some fuinds while I am at it.

Sure, he just want to be noticed in the crypto world. Relevance is what he wants, maybe soon he will be giving crypto investment advice

The idea behind bitcoin is great and there's a huge potential, but instead of building useful business solutions for it, there is this gamification where people prefer to gamble for a marginal profit. So, yeah, crypto will die and it will be us who killed it.

it wont die, it's just going to transfer hands from the stupid to the smart.