my thoughts on Bitcoin , AltCoins and Cryptocurrency . . .

in #bitcoin8 years ago

seriously whom am I = nobody :)

i just want my opinions recorded B4 the Bitcoin Fork/s ...

The Techno Gurus and Miners will NOT get this wrong, they all have to much riding on making this really happen ! ! !

Two years approx. of a internal cryptocurrency CiViL War and the NEED for larger block sizes . . .

Segwit is MANDATORY 4 Lightning ; once THAT technology goes LiVE BiTCOiN is now " juiced up " and will soon be on some serious growth Steroid , LEGALLY ! ! !


BCC = yep I like the 8mb block sizes ; but who cares what a nobody like me thinks , all I know iS this . . .

Today Bitcoin is worth around Forty Five BiLLiON US$ ...

& 99% of the population has never heard the word Bitcoin :)

Ask Techno Guru Bill Gates on YouTube ( Ole Wild Bill ) has 67 BiLLiON dollars in "petty-cash" I think . . .

My Gates says QUOTE ' Bitcoin is unstoppable ' ...

Obama ( apparently gonna sell " Barry's buds " to gather more millions to his accounts since he spent MANY years on government poverty wages ( & Approx 400,ooo US$ PLUS Perks + Bonuses ) , it seems allegedly LOL Michelle owns the LARGEST Pot-WEED Farms in North America I believe . . .

You gotta make up for lost time and earn some serious money even in Retirement , its the American Way LoL ; LoL , How do you afford to ' retire in Modern America now-a-days ? it is easy = you just drop dead ! ! ! LoL :)

Anyways Obama on YouTube " Everyone is walking around with a Swiss Bank account in their pocket " . . .

Yep the ex-el-prezidentae seems annoyed that that poor might actually find some way to control their own money LoL :)

Ain'T Life a b/witch , & then U DiE ; Right ! ! !

BCC @ 8GB will have some small measure of potential in the intermediate term after 99 % of silly people have sold off their FREE bcc portfolios LoL ;

But ONCE Lightning kicks in after Segwit , the SKY is NO LiMiT to Bitcoins' potential :)

. . .

Just the opinion of a no-body who has over one thousand successful crypto trades at a 99% success rate and will soon launch 98bitcoins dot com ( which is only STARTiNG website construction ) ...

send us an email at wowbamhotmail AT gmail DOT com and let us tell you a bit more about a prove way to make easy reliable BiTCOiN profits ; legally & anonymously , Nothing to BUY and ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL OR PRIVATE info required EVER :)

We do NOT " feed you Fish " we Teach you " How to Fish Yourself so you can FEED yourself " all we ask is voluntary TiPs from your NET profits . . .

Send us an EmaiL , sorry we are only just getting set up but we will be ready SOON :)

/ Hugz ;)

LiFE iS 4 Living and to do THAT you NEED financial iNDEPENDENCE ! ! !

wowbamhotmail AT gmail DOT com . . .


Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing :)

if you want to hear more simply write to
wowbamhotmail AT gmail DOT com to learn how this system might work for YOU.
The great thing about this system is NO Private or personal info is EVERY required.
there is NOTHING to buy from us etc. ever and YOU make all the decisions ; we just show you how to make your own decisions ...
/ Hugz ;)
u R followed BTW . . .

I wanted the above recorded permanently on the blockchain before the bitcoin fork/s occur :)

/ Hugz ;)

crok or crack, whatever you're doing it's working! keep it up buddy~ :)

if you want to hear more simply write to

wowbamhotmail AT gmail DOT com to learn how this system might work for YOU.

The great thing about this system is NO Private or personal info is EVERY required.

there is NOTHING to buy from us etc. ever and YOU make all the decisions ; we just show you how to make your own decisions ...

/ Hugz ;)

u R followed BTW . . .

😂😂😂😂, you are hilarious. Still, why didn't you just write contact details as is 😑.

Internet security is simple once you have spent over twenty years in CyberSpace . . .

I NEVER Ever include any ' ACTiVE ' " Link " since active Links can be ' Redirects ' toward unintended internet locations ...

Plus if the person I am writing to is 2 FLIckin LAZY to type the information I provide into the internet themselves then I am FLIcking SURE that I DO NOT ever want to hear from that LAZY FLIck ever again ! ! !

So many people are just happy to coast along and let others do everything 4 them , I am VERY Happy useless FLIcks Like that exist ; because it means I have far fewer " competitors " who are ACTUALLY serious about trying to get their fingers out of their dumb arzes and create a NEW future 4 themselves ...

I am Happy these stupid " sheep " believe one day they will WiN the Lotto or maybe their employers will suddenly start to give a FLIck about their financial Futures' , maybe even a bunch of poLiticians WiLL actually give a Krap about their constituents retirements ; RofL = whatever . . .

Personally I Believe that the 99% of useless FLIcks are all " future " ' Trust - Fund - Babies ' LitteraLLy just waiting around 4 dear ole mummy & daddy 2 drop dead so they can ' collect ' their " Trust Accounts " ...

To me they are arzeholes because I KNOW I HAVE NO Trust Fund waiting 4 LittLe OLe me ; so I am " Green " with ' envy ' , the Only person who is going to remake MY Future iS Myself ! ! !

Love You :)

/ Hugz ;)

😂😂😂😂. An image of your contact details work. Visibility helps 🙄 in conversion. Right?


who gives a krap about conversions LoL there are four BiLLion people on the internet ; I WiLL find the ones EYE Want ! ! ! :)

/ Hugz ;)