$70,000 earned in 2 months from a $100 loan

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

My $100 will be refunded to me, because it's a loan.
I have cashed out $40,000 into STEEM and Bitcoin.
This is all possible, thanks to blockchain technology.



I promote this program on Youtube and Facebook, not steemit

Craig :)


great post bro upvoted

He didnt specifically earn $70000 from one $100 loan. Lets be clear about that.

What the $100 loan allowed him to do was promote Bitconnect and FROM that he earned a lot from people signing up under him. Which I am one.

I dont make money on it from referrals, I make it on the loans, which I have made several hundred this week alone.

Its not a scam because you can see the blockchain and you can download the software off of github, because it is open source.

A setup that is on a blockchain and observable as open source software is the complete opposite of a Ponzi scheme.

Well I can tell you from a personal experience, that I just went to Ny and when people asked what I was doing now, I told them about collecting bitcoin. Would you believe almost half my family are doing the same? Their eyes lit up. Not a scheme. What they didn't hear about was Steemit. Guess who told them :)

oh i see you make more than me. looks like i'm gonna be a kept man lol.

Say it with me now.. "blockchain" "open source" "300M Market Cap" "Top 20 Crypto"..

You can see the Blockchain here: https://www.blockexperts.com/bcc

And here is the software, where ANYONE can download it or audit it. https://github.com/bitconnectcoin/bitconnectcoin

So if the website goes down. So what? Someone that knows what they are doing will bring it back.

Thanks for the links I'll check it out!

So why didn't he post anything about what is it? Still noone axplain anything, couple people excuse OP with his good valued votes

He has posted before about how it works. He has numerous posts on Youtube about it.

How much money do you earn doing it Your way??
Thanks :)

Depends on the day. I have several loans out. For example one loan I have of $5020 I earned $76.81 on it yesterday. But that's not everyday.

And I just started a $4020 loan two days ago and I made $60.78 on it today. Now those numbers don't happen everyday, but they do happen.

If anyone is interest sign up here.

nice loans you have there, doin big tingz

I'm 1/2 way through your video.
So, you earn about 1.5% -??

Maybe a little more in a month.

poloniex.com pays out about 50% apr - that is just an average, but most do better.

Can you please direct me to a detailed video tutorial where I can watch the detail like how to tale loan and all that?

And I just noticed we're both from Virginia. I'm in Richmond.

Sorry - meant to say I'm in Harrisonburg - Shenandoah Valley :)

I notice they keep your money for 333 days!
What happens if the value of the currency increases?

But I still think it is a great investment, because you get back what you put in plus interest. Yes, you lock up your money for awhile, but the value of the money won't go down.

You can hold the BCC token and try to profit from the increase there. But your capital is released you get back the equivalent in US $ of what you gave in the loan.

Soooo, if the currency doubles in value, you would still be making a lot more from the loan than you would from holding it as it goes up in value - right?

Very small world sometimes :)

Watched the youtube, looked nice. but men the world is going fast.. just started the whole crypto a month ago... made some mistakes... now 13 days I am on steemit... I dont think I can handle another one the next 2 weeks...

thanks for your comment! it was helpful

Can you tell me if you have to wait a certain period before actually cashing out with this program? And if so how long before you get paid?

You get paid every 24 hours after you start a loan. Open a loan at noon, you get paid daily at noon.

Oh ok so they will deposit bitcoins to you right away. I thought maybe you have to wait a certain time to get your profits, profits you can actually use. Ok thanks.

Not quite. You are given a dollar amount first. You then exchange that dollar amount for equivalent amount in BCC tokens. You then sell BCC tokens for Bitcoin.

Think of it like an I.O.U

You get an IOU every 24 hours. You can KEEP the IOU and let it accumulate or you can reinvest or trade it for BCC tokens.

And you have to wait 24 hours for the first one.

At least you can exchange it for BCC tokens sounds like something i will look more into. Thanks ssl.

So this is crypto money lending?

Everyone asking if this is a Ponzi scheme I can tell you it's not. Craig's a real person and very cool. He gave me my first 500 Burst coins cause I made a suggestion he liked! Keep goin brother! Live that life!!

yes craig is awesome and raw

it's not a ponzi because you said so? There's no explanation why would it not be a ponzi! should I believe you just because you said his a cool guy, without any other proof? NO

just cuz they say its not a ponzi scheme doesnt mean they have to prove it

Do some research to find out. I did and don't believe it to be a scam.

This is not a youtube video of yours I have come across. Can you post a link? I'd love to check it out

Thanks my man! I appreciate it, gonna watch now. Glad I found ya!

Thank you for the link Craig, very informative video. I'm going to start now with $100. Its only a bit, but its better than nothing and better late than never! lol.

thanks, will check this out

All these people asking questions, I'm just going to congratulate you for making this much money !

Lot of people are torn between it being a ponzi and it being legit. From watching craigs 20minute youtube video and visiting crytpomarketcap and bitconnect, it seems to me that the other half are correct.

It's all based on the blockchain right. I was getting anxious reading the comments about it being a ponzi but honestly makes sense. Of course if i join now i won't make that, but it's inspiring to hear and maybe I'll invest when I have money earnt!

Would you mind going into more detail about what you did here in order to get this kind of return?

I share my results with videos and promote my referral link on youtube, that's all http://craigonesun.com/btc

And really, YOU'RE helping them by sharing the info. You have more than enough fiat (and btc) to invest and not say a WORD to anyone about anything..

this really look like ponzi-scheme scam

you do not need a sponsor to join or to earn you also do not need to recruit anyone never heard of a ponzi where you dont need a sponsor and dont need to sign up anyone to earn

hes going crazy saying it loooks like a ponzi

I've done two loans of 1010 dollars I'm happy with it

People, can i have your attention, this is called the smart hustle. Some of y'all busy and think you're successful, just because your calendar is full doesn't mean shit.

Good stuff @craig-grant ! Do you bro, game recognize game haha

this looks like a ponzi

Everyone has their own opinion and what works for them, @craig-grant found his, i found mine. The trick is to find yours and not worry about others.

Yes, but I'm trying to save people from losing their money. If someone's posting about making money with crazy roi (here 70000%) without any explanation, when I see money levels and referals I'm really trigerred that's a ponzi scheme.
People, learn befor you invest, many lost their money since they believe there's an easy way!

He isn't trapping people, he pushes his YouTube channel with all video explanations to grow traffic, views and subscribers for more payouts. the smart way.

Do your own research. Believe in what you want to believe in. Everyone must make their own "grown-up" decisions about what risk they will take or NOT.

Amen to that @avva , following you!

If you trade wise one any BTC forex you can make an average of 1.5 to 3% per day....that's really not difficult : take an excel sheet start with 50 USD +3% everyday : after 365 days you have over 2 millions USD

Yeah and then then their in affiliates, I'm fairly new to the crypto game and i have been killing it with genesis mining affiliate codes.

Did you experienced problem with genesis mining ?

nope, payouts are consistent and no weird anything.

Everyone should always research before investing - or spending money on anything. Never spend what you can't afford to lose. Another commenter above pointed out that the $100 Craig borrowed didn't directly make him all that money. But it opened the door to make it possible.

Amen to this, you bet big you can win big, higher risk higher reward and all that haha. Following you now @blunderbabe

That truth bomb hurt alot dude....

It's all love, i learned that about myself after 25 years of doing it!

I was a bit skeptic at the beginning : I invested 110 USD thanks to craig, I have already received 70.04 USD since april 16th

I invested ~$100usd and have gotten back about $26 a month later. Hopefully I pass $100 before the site disappears.

Looks like the average is about 0.99 USD per day for 110 USD invested : it is really very good.
if you invested 100 usd you will receive average per day of 0.89 USD = 26 USD one month later

I don't think this site will disappear so quick...I follow the BTC movement every day and the earnings match at 95% the BTC variation

Was that $70.04 on top of your initial investment? Or you are still short of breaking even?

At moment 70.04 USD of my initial investment: I lend to bitconnect 110 USD (in Bitcoin) for 299 days on april 16th (2 and half month ago). Until now I received from them 70.04 USD (I received every day between 0.10 to 1.96 USD depends on the BTC market fluctuationl (average since april 16th is 0.99 USD). I can withdraw this income everyday at anytime : I convert the USD to BCC and the BCC to BTC or I can reinvest the daily profit. Thenafter I can withdraw the BTC to anywallet (instant with a minimum withdraw of 0.05 BTC (+ 0.0007 fees for withdraw) .... and it works perfect. (my referral is : https://bitconnect.co/?ref=contact95) .... I should have back my capital (110 USD) after 299 days. So total should be : 0.99 USDx299 + 110 usd = 406 USD

I feel absolutely nothing wrong with Bitconnect : I use their system because I am lazy, but I can also trade myself, for example on FXopen : with just 50 USD and x3 leverage, if you take time and invest wise (never much than half of your funds) you can make an average 2% per day. I spoke with my neighboor who is banker : he told me past week he can do easily on equity market 2 to 3% per day every morning between 9h00 and 10h00 am.

Hmm...I need to look into this. Since you took the time to explain to me, if I sign up, I'll use your link. I know people are accusing it of being a scam and ponzi scheme - and who knows what happens in the long run - but if you only put in what you can afford to lose (the cup half empty outlook lol) - it sounds lucrative. Thanks !

I tested several HYIP like altcoiners and many others who most of the time disappear after 1 month. But this one not. Also it is connected to BCC (351 millions USD cap)....so a bit more difficult to dissapear. Also they offer reasonnable target 1% per day (HIYP most of the time offers impossible rate like 4, 5 or 10% per day!)