Earned $4133 Bitcoin in less than 24 hours
The better your life gets, the brighter my light gets.
Flying the most advanced spaceship in existence, it only takes me 1 second to get to any destination. My destination is NOW, and I never stop flying.
Perfect = No reasons, no questions, no care, no fear... Craig :)
You are the king of steem
Another day at office i guess :P
Craig grant killing it !

That's an awesome gain for one day Craig, congrats on the BTC haul! Trevon just earned 0.5 BTC today with BitConnect and Genesis, so you guys are continuing to get mad rewards despite the bear market. Keep smashing it my friends - seize every day and keep winning!
Bro, congratulations on your financial success man. It may not be new to you but it's new to me. To see someone doing this with crytocurrency is truly amazing. It lets me know that im not too far behind. Im getting that "slow money but sure money" with Bitconnect and gradually positioning myself with altcoins. Good job bro.
Interesting. Are you mining BTC or is this through another medium?
no mining
I was going to say, that's one hell of a rig you're running
You've always got great posts and videos so it's always interesting following your posts!
We should however focus though on upvoting the new people on introduceyourself so we can have users believe and stick around imo. But of course, the ones that are good and worth curating.
Lol and i'm happy i've just made 3 dollars in 1 hour for my introduction post :D
Seriously Good Job :D
He earned $4000 from here!? Damn am I jealous
Outstanding @craig-grant you deserve it. I was watching you since you started mining zcash in your house. You are very transparent from what you are doing. We make mistakes because we never stop trying new things like what you did. Before you achieve all of this. Like Albert Einstein said and I quote "If you never commit mistakes, you never tried anything new". For being open on what you have done give us a clear view of we want to do.
Just followed you on faceebook as well to get your updates about this huge earning stream. Congrats for doing so good.
This comment has received a 0.19 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.