Bitcoin, the future or just gambling?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

 Hello, first of all, sorry for my bad English. That's being said, let start: 

 While I was checking my old hard drive, I come across a screenshot from website talking about this cryptocurrency back in 2010, it was worthing 3$. Yes 1 BTC = 3$. I remember my self looking online about what to do with this coin and if this Bitcoin could worth something. Unfortunately, no website used to accept it, as mining was just for fun, while a lot of articles were giving promises that this cryptocurrency will rule the internet in the future and after few years that's exactly what id happening. Nowadays, Bitcoin worth 10k $ per unit, and the one million dollar question is can we consider Bitcoin as the future of the world in the next 10 years, or it's gonna be worthless at some point. 

 We have to think logically away from emotions and hopes. Bitcoin is very voltile as any news can effect it in no time, what if the US ban BTC? I am sure we can agree how much it will effect its price, or maybe the opposite happens and US banks will start supporting bitcoin storage.  

 We have to study this from different perspectives. 

 1. I am sure that most of you know that Rothchild the wealthiest family in the world who owns the US Federal reserve and control the US dollars. Do think such quantity would allow a dangerous threat like Bitcoin to threten their empire which can't be controlled by anyone? Or maybe would they create a new cryptocurrency, which they control behind the curtains. Because after all,  paper money displaced gold.. and maybe in the future Bitcoin will displace Paper Money. 

 2. Governments can't let Bitcoin uncontrolled by them. This is a fact as you know China is mining a huge amount of Btc, ETH etc. Because if things keep going this way, it's estimated that bitcoin might reach 15,000$ by mid 2018. And in couple years 100,000$. And why not if cryptocurrencies rules the world it might worth 1 million $ per 1 btc. Just think about how many more and more larger corporations start offering Bitcoin as a payment alternative, many companies waiting in the shadows will jump onto the bandwagon. This chain-reaction trigger is very important for Bitcoin to survive and florish. Many are waiting for the trigger. At that time we can consider btc as the official currency of the world which lead me to think about the Illuminati purpose, 1 world,  1 government,  and obviously one currency. And what's better than BITCOIN? But first they have to find a way to control it, otherwise, a new leading cryptocurrency will emerge. I am sure media can panic people to forget about BTC and join the club of the new IlluminatiCoin. Or maybe there will be a new technology like USD coin / EUR coin / Yen coin and so on. No more paper money, only Cryptocurrencies by 2050. Nevertheless,  away from immagination, Bitcoin,The one world currency will be trackable, and everyone on the globe will likely be forced to use these funds. . Bitcoin will be the one world currency. In other world, Bitcoin = The New World Order. 

 3. Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million which is expected to be reached by the year 2140. In 10 years, the analyst thinks that there will be 17 million bitcoin in circulation, up from the current 16.3 million figure. If the potential 17 million of bitcoins in supply is divided by the $1.75 trillion market cap estimate, then each bitcoin would be worth just over $100,000. But on the other hand, if all Bitcoins are mined, bitcoins have been mined, transaction fees will be the sole source of income for miners. The main concern is whether or not transaction fees will be enough to keep miners financially afloat, because you know how much the block reward is more profitable than just fees. This might lead to a contraction of miners, a centralization of the network, and possibly a complete collapse of the network.

 Finnaly, we ask our selves is Bitcoin simply the 21st century version of gold, only without the storage issues? Or is it just a short-lived popular fad that may soon evolve into something quite different? Only time will tell. The only certainty is that its price will remain very volatile in the future. 

This is a screenshot from the first faucet in the world. 


Like your points...I've had similar thoughts I have written about as well as I try to get my mind around this potential evolution revolution...

Yes, the more you study bitcion the more you realize how diffuclt it's to predict the future of bitcoin especially with so many entities that control the world.

good post seems you have big knowledge in it

Yes Ms; I discovered Bitcoin long time ago, it's the future but always trade with caution

Great read. I am new to all this and sadly cannot see the corrupt elite allowing the people and their control to slip from their grasp :( Time will tell especially as there is a mass awakening of consciousness underway at the moment. Maybe the common man can triumph? I wish you well. Infact I wish us all well ;) xox

Well said Ms. and I believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it. THIS IT THE JOB OF ALL BITCOIN LOVERS AND SUPPORTERS AROUND THE WORLD