Crypto-Inform (2): IOTA a good choice for the long term?
Hello friends today I come to talk a little about this great currency in my opinion, why I think it can be an excellent option in the long term? Well, because as before I spoke about the TRX project, it also has a very solid project.
IOTA is not just a simple currency, it belongs to a movement that plans to replace the blockchain as we know it, the first big difference is that to make any transaction on this platform there are no fees (commissions per transaction), and this is a great eye-catching feature.
In 2017 they got their first 1,000,000 transactions, currently has a market cap of just over $ 174,000,000, very close to the LTC (whose current value is $ 202 at the moment, so this is good signal for the IOTA), its value until the month of November was between $ 0.6 and $ 1, and is currently at $ 3, personally I think that for this year its value will multiply significantly after Japan ends with the project and they throw it officially, tests have been done with the current system and the feedback was very positive.
If this is not enough to realize that IOTA in my opinion is a great project for the long term, then I can tell you that Japan has decided to invest in this program to perfect the transaction system, and when the details are fine-tuned and the system is completely finished, I personally believe that it can completely replace the Block Chain, since it will offer many advantages so that investors can mobilize their capital without risk, quickly, and without fees in between.
With this I finish this brief analysis of a great future possibility in the world of cryptocurrencies, the IOTA could be a radical change in this area, if there is any change in the landscape of this currency, I will update it and keep you up to date, thank you very much for reading and if you have any comments about IOTA or any other cryptomoneda of interest, do not hesitate to go through the comments box.
Hello @carl2311 I am glad to see this post and read about IOTA. I don't know much about this coin. I will think to invest now in that also. This is my portfolio:

I must add here Electroneum and Evion.
Best regards from Serbia :D
Awesome portfolio man! i personally have DGB and XEM too, good coins, will do a deep analisis soon too, and other good coins that are looking strong in the future, have you look at NEO?
I am looking very close at NEO. I started to look at that coin when it was about 30 dollars. I think that NEO will have good rise in this year, but I didn't invest any money. I will re-think to invest now because of this big down.