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RE: Bitconnect Bitcoin Segwit Update -- [News]

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Interesting, personally I don't trust bitconnect - looks to much as a ponzi scam for me.

Also, some info about segwit2x activation:


I haven't invested in Bitconnect but What makes it look like a ponzi scheme? Where is the proof the word Ponzi is used way to often in Crypto most things people consider Ponzi or just outright scams most Ponzi Scheme's arent started with the intention of being a ponzi the owner starts with the intentions of trying to save the company and begin the ponzi scheme only to get greedy and the Ponzi takes over. So it would help if people who claim Ponzi actually provide proof and not beliefs. Provide proof with the word Ponzi proof is needed.

Thank you for the question. First look here:
Can you see something suspicious?
Dude - if you have a buisness that gives you return of investment at 40% - you don't open it for everyone. You just take a loan from a bank, invest it into your business and never worry about money again.
But how are they doing so much money monthly?
You can find information that:
This investment option involves profiting from Bitconnect trading bot and volatility software
Trading bot that makes 40% montly. And the guys share his profits with everyone from his genius trading bot?
Do you know, that the more people uses the same bot (same algorithm), the less effective it is?
If you want to give people 40% a moth there is only one answer: you give them money of the new people investing in. Sorry, it's a obvious scam that can last longer because clever new token idea.

They are not trading with a bot, they have a different strategy. They just said they earn through trading so that people will believe it.