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RE: TenX got me the cash I desperately needed

in #bitcoin8 years ago

TenX is real? I thought all cryptocurrency was magical bits of nothing. At least that's what my friend Jamie Dimon told me. Next thing you are going to do is tell me that the earth is round. Nice Try @boxmining but you won't fool me!


Buying Food with coins. That is as real as it gets for me. Tenx finally gives an easy way to use your coins in everyday live.

I honestly want to buy some TenX now.

By the way, I saw the card in action already. Still wainting on mine...

Really? Jamie told that to me as well. But then JP Morgan called me the next day wanting to buy my Bitcoin. This whole thing is very confusing ;)

I don't believe anything. He said this was a nice kebab shop. Such a thing does not exist here in the UK ;)

It just had partnership with visa!!