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RE: Interesting Article About Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble !!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The world is in fast-forward now in the internet age so I don't think the tech bubble is a good comparison to cryptos in any way, shape, or form. The issue with the tech bubble was the mass adoption was unable to grow at the rate it needed to, and this caused it to collapse due to growing in value far faster then the tech/adoption could keep up with that the time. Don't get me wrong, cryptos do have a lot of speculation, and there are a lot of cryptos out there that are quite overvalued at the current time, but the major players in the space (BTC, ETH, LTC...) are much better equipped now-a-days to grow at the needed pace required to avoid a potential short term collapse, at least in my opinion. Add to that you need to factor in what some of these cryptos are aiming to do... take over global savings, take over global spending, eliminate costly and ineffective middlemen, allow a more decentralized peer-to-peer economy (the new economy) and so on. Many of these things values are FAR higher then the current price of the crypto aiming to replace them, and in my opinion many of these CORE cryptos are in fact quite undervalued at the current time due to this. Add onto that the fact that a large number of the current issues in cryptos which are holding back mass adoption are soon to be solved in major ways in the coming months (not years), while many of these currently "useless" tokens are getting ready to launch their actual products allowing for real-world use cases which will help cement their value to something somewhat tangible. I know many people like to scream cryptos are in a bubble, while the other side of the coin scream it is only getting started, but the truth is neither side is 100% sure and tend to have tunnel vision on the info that supports their side without looking at the entire thing from a neutral stance. Basically it could go either way and I don't think anyone on the planet can say otherwise with 100% confidence.

Just my 2 Satoshis...