E-Voting Tech Blockchain

in #bitcoin8 years ago

It specialized, technically that should be applied in e-voting in Indonesia, the first smoothing our population data system and accelerate the provision of e-KTP evenly. Without that e-voting would take place in vain.

Secondly, we are faced with the choice of whether we still rely on the TPS or follow a system like in Estonia? Given the number of eligible voters vote in the election will certainly increase, the impact on the cost of procurement of hardware. Not to mention, if for example we want to put satuprinter in each polling station that prints receipts have selected. The most efficient course without TPS, but the voters can do it a computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. In this way the Commission should ensure the software on the device voters should be completely safe from hackers, especially over the Internet system in the country which should be fully protected.

Third, assuming we do not use conventional SMT, the software can take advantage of open source-based blockchain in Internet network, which has been used as the backbone of the digital currency bitcoin. This system is known to be very safe, when the number of participants involved in it very much, let alone take place instantly and simultaneously.

Blockchain take advantage of high-level digital signature, utilizing the technology of cryptography (the science of encoding information mathematically), where the results of ballot can not be reverse and manipulated, because the system is protected algorithms. Here KPU, BPPT and KPLI (Linux Lovers' Group Indonesia), in the future be able to develop its own blockchain special election. If not tired on a small scale can utilize blockchain second-generation technology created by Vitalik Buterin on digital currency Ethereum. This contract smart technology is already used by Microsoft in developing their cloud computing technology, Microsoft Azure.

On February 12, 2016, the Government of Ukraine signed the cooperation with Ambisafe, the US company to develop e-Vox, an electronic voting system based blockchain. The company claims the technology distributed ledger was able to prevent fraud and allow more transparent elections. The prototype was based smart technology which was developed in the network contract Ethereum. e-Vox can be applied to all kinds of voting, ranging from intra-company polls and electronic petitions, until political referendum and parliamentary elections. E-Vox maker sure the application of this technology allows the elections are conducted without any intermediary, administrators and all kinds of other mediators.

Broadly speaking, the digital signature is a schematic mathematically that uniquely identifies a sender, skaligus to prove the authenticity of the owner of a message or document digitally, so that a digital signature is authentic (valid), is reason enough for the recipient to believe that a message or documents received are coming from unknown senders. In the use of digital signatures has been protected by Law (UU) No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). The law regulates the system verification of information, documents and electronic signature in detail outlined in Article 5 and Article 12.

In the description of the system is somewhat different, a digital signature is to combine the serial number of the ballot papers with the ID number of voters, the time of printing of ballot papers, and the PIN number can specifically be used once by voters who had in the invitation letter to select, all numbers will be combined with the technique encryption (cryptography) and create a special number that will be printed on a sheet of ballots before the ballots are handed to voters to choose.

sorry if my english not good and I also just learning English


You can check out "Follow my Vote" as well... Interesting stuff they are doing

just recovery your english!

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