BITNAUTIC - Decentralized Platform for Cargo Shipping

in #bitcoin7 years ago



The aim of a human being is to connect better with each other. We are our own friends who believe in the way society works. Business and opportunities present themselves in different shape and an experienced eye can recognise them easily. One of key development over centuries has been a meteoric rise in the transportation infrastructure. The high cost of shipping charges coupled with lack of safety and insurance for the goods being transported are a few of the many problems associated with the current shipping and cargo industry.

International cooperation among the different companies regarding the safety of the goods is one of the great ideas for bringing back the trust of people. The current challenges of the shipping and cargo industry are Lack of transparency, security threats, Job cuts, poor tracking of the cargos and labour disputes. There is a need for a new wave of technology integration in the field of cargo and shipping industry.


Nowadays, a huge number of different platforms have been developed, all working on blockchain technology. Nevertheless, even this time, developers managed to surprise us by inventing such an interesting principle, which no one had ever thought of before! Where else did you have the opportunity to meet the trading platform for importers, exporters and manufacturers of goods? This absolutely revolutionary platform aims to simplify and help in trading for all kinds of investors, and not only! This global platform allows you not only to offer your own services, but also allows you to earn and spend crypto currency as easy, as it can only be! BitNautic is a system that the world has never heard of! And only when it appeared, it immediately earned a huge popularity for itself, and we are sure that the platform will be useful to you. For further information, be sure to read on!

BitNautic is a decentralized shipping and cargo platform based on blockchain technology. BitNautic is a trading platform where importers, exporters and manufacturers of goods can trade their products. Initially a basic first-class platform, BitNautic aims to help investors around the world to facilitate their businesses and simplify trade practices from all over the world. This global and decentralized trading platform not only provides many different services, but also allows you to earn and spend crypto-currencies easier and more relaxed for everyone. BitNautic introduces a digital currency (BitNautic Token or BTNT) and deploys blockchain technology to support simpler transactions. Thus, BitNautic can be used to simplify earnings, expenses and business binding.

The Bit Nautic platform aims to help investors around the world to facilitate their ventures and to make ease the trading practices. As it is widely known across the world, Africa is going to be the next emerging economy and the countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Angola are swiftly showing positive and promising results. In the first phase of the launch, the Bit Nautic platform would cover the West African and the South Asian markets.

Reports has shown according to Container Trade Statistics that throughout the 3rd quarter in the Southbound Asia to West Africa trade at its fastest rate since the period of 2014, rising by 7% year-on-year. Expansion opportunities are increasingly growing in Africa.

BitNautic Features

• Cargo booking – Estimation of the general price and booking of a cargo for transportation is made all in some clicks from platform BitNautic.

• Global Shipping Currency – BitNautic allows users to exchange crypto or money using (BTNT). Their global currency brings all shipping on the same platform.

• Tracking System – BitNautic uses state-of-the-art tracking and tracking systems for its customers in real time. Thus, all your worries about cargo will disappear.

• Shipping and Cargo Marketplace (SCM) – The platform, bringing the delivery partners in the same table, was strengthened by the intensively developed BitNautic base systems.

Bitnautic BlockChain

This string would be based on Ethereum's hard fork along with some improvements in the algorithm to improve the cost and time of the transaction. BitNautic would also use smart contracts for multiple payments on the platform


Symbol: BTNT

Token Type: ERC20

Total Token Supply: 50 Million

Bulk Sales: 50,000

Token Price: 1 ETH = 500 BTNT

Minimal Transaction: 0.05 ETH

Maximum Achievement: 50,000 ETH

Pre ICO starts: Apr 15, 2018

Pre ICO ends : May 15, 2018

ICO Utama starts: May 16, 2018

ICO Utama Expires: Jul 15, 2018

No new Token will be created

All unsold Tokens will be destroyed or burned

For more information please visit the links below ;
Official Website:
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Telegram Group: / bitnautic_group
Reddit: https: //
Author’s Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2234576;sa=showPosts