[dtube] Daily: Total Market Bleedout / ICO Scams
Crypto markets continue a nose dive, with many trying to search for answers when there might be none.
0:52 Market Analysis
3:10 Last Year’s Market Trends don’t apply this year
5:12 Ledger FUD
6:08 10% of $3.7 Billion in ICO Funds Lost or Stolen: Ernst & Young Report
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The last couple of January's have been pretty bearish in crypto...this year is no exception. But if you wait it out, good things are bound to happen. HODL!
I feel like the altcoins market has a lot to do with the stagnant price of BTC, by the way Ether picked up steam through the bunch of ICOs.
The scamminf of BCC and all lendings out there.
It is madhouse.
So far it is only January.
Keep on steemin'
and also wee need his buddy crypto daily on steemit!!
The market will recover soon. We all just have to keep in mind one simple rule: "Don't panic, and HODL". Crypto is just on its beginning, and all these news are just short term. So everyone just CHILL:)
This is a great opportunity to open new positions from those with weak hands. As buffet says, the market is an basically for those who are patient to profit
OH NO! I lost most of my profits :(
i can definitely feel the bleedout
Awesome info once again. I really like your views on the crypto market. Keep it up boxmining
Yeah the market is bleeding for the last few weeks but it is soon going to develop.
It is still bleeding until now Jan. 24,2018.
most icos at this stage are scams
Investing is driven by two kinds of emotions, these are fear and greediness. If everyone is greedy you should have fear. If all are feared, that is the time you should be greedy. One should be patient to wait the right timing. Be like a crocodile, how patient he is. He opens his mouth for a long period of time, patiently waiting for a victim. He is not impulsive. He knows when he can make big profit.

Instant gratification is the enemy we have to fight. Know the market you invest in and Hodl
January is traditionally a bad month....swings back up! HODL :)