I knew about Bitcoin, then came Steemit

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Who would have known,. I've known about Bitcoin for years but never had the urge to invest although I did scope out Silk Road due to the Bitcoin fuss. I started following Gregory Mannarino a couple of years ago and he lead me to steemit and now steemit has lead me to alt crypto currency. So as of 3 weeks ago I've joined steemit and as of 2 weeks ago Ive started investing in crypto. Who knows where I'll be next but I'd like to thank Greg here on steemit. If you would like to check out greys blog you can see him @marketreport.
So over the corse of a few years I've gone full circle, I don't regret anything in life but it would have been nice to buy Bitcoin back when I was first introduced. I'm still buying physical silver and hey that's 1000's of years old! Cryptos have mass growth to come and those involved are living in an exciting time!

Some of my Perth mint silver bars , Aussie silver!


Are those 10oz? I've got a vintage Engelhard bar that I've been holding since the eighties.

I blew the pic up and see they are kilos. Big boys!

yeh 1kg, been stacking ainslie minted 10oz bars their sexy and stack nice

Good luck with your crypto investing journey!

I hope it's not luck and pure speculative surge for 5 years so I can retire and start the next phase of life