in #bitcoin7 years ago

The Skycoin marketing and event team has had a very busy last few weeks showcasing the Skycoin project to the world.

The first event was the Global Assets and Wealth Initiative and Forum .


This conference took place in Singapore on 31 August and 1 September 2018.
It is the world’s leading business group involving corporations with annual revenues exceeding USD100 million, governments and intergovernmental organisations from the six continents.

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With blockchain, cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings as an area of business and investment interest, some of the world’s leaders in this space were in attendance at the GAW Forum in Singapore. They included Mr Dinis Guarda, CEO of Ztudium from the UK Mr Nick Ayton, Founder and CEO of Chainstarter Ventures UK; Mr Davy Goh, Founder and CEO of Singapore-headquartered Bcoin; Mr Anthony Alleyne, Founder and Co-CEO of Phore Blockchain in the UK and many others.
Held at the Sofitel Singapore City Centre, this closed-door meeting of the PC Community has gathered over 150 CEOs, policymakers, entrepreneurs, institutional investors, accredited investors and high net worth individuals from the US, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. They collectively represent over 100 organisations, 20 major industries/sectors and 30 markets.
Singapore was chosen as the first GAW Forum location as it is a convenient stopover for many leaders from the Platinum Circle Community worldwide. Locations being flagged for the 2019 GAW Forum schedule include Hong Kong, London, New York and Helsinki
The GAW Initiative and Forums are not open to the public. Access is solely for the Platinum Circle Community and nominated guests.

Skycoin was represented at this conference by Drew MacGibbon, Events Lead for Skycoin in Asia.

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Skycoin was a proud partner of the Global and Assets and Wealth forum and the project showcased the Skyminer and discussed with top decision makers from the platinum circle how Skywire will help reshape the existing Internet landscape.

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Drew Showcased the Skyminer and explained to the very enthusiastic audience how the Skyminer hardware will help to power the new Internet.

He told the enthusiastic audience that the Skyminer was the hardware that will power the new decentralized internet, a wireless mesh network that pays you for supporting it and These servers provide the user's access to the internet. This forms a second layer of private browsing. The service is cheaper, faster and controlled by the users on Skywire. ISPs do not have control over which content is prioritized. The Skywire network is private so IP addresses cannot be traced.

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He described the ecosystem of Skycoin and how each part is interrelated.

He went on to explain that the testnet Phase of Skywire was already running with more than 8000 nodes worldwide including some in Singapore.
Once Drew finished his talks and it was time for question and answer, more than 90 per cent of the questions were directed at him about the Skycoin project especially the Skyminer.
As cliché as it may sound, the skyminer is a showstopper. “ See the Skyminer and go home “.

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As usual, everyone wanted to go home with a miner and are already looking forward to the progress report of the Skycoin project in the next summit.

The Global Assets and Wealth Initiative (GAW) galvanises the Platinum Circle Community worldwide to identify and engage opportunities and challenges at international, country and organisation levels to build future economic, business and social wealth. It also invites investors, entrepreneurs, small-business owners, technologists, fund managers, regulators, policymakers, philanthropists and high net worth individuals from across industries and markets interested in doing more business, building more assets and creating more economic, business and social wealth together with Platinum Circle
The overall reaction to the introduction of blockchain with this prestigious group was positive, with people looking forward to the development of the technology for real-world applications.

The GAW Forum will be held annually and in different locations globally.
There were a lot of takeaways from this conference

  1. Talks are currently in place with 100 strong, development team from the Ukraine who want to partner and help with the various and diverse projects of Skycoin

  2. India's largest carbon fibre producer, responsible for most of the F1 car bodies and airliner material is wanting to form a partnership

  3. Nasdaq listed Chinese investment firm wanting to utilize fiber for large cross-border payments.

  4. Largest online dating platform in Asia interested in expanding into other Asian markets and potentially talking about using fiber to do so

  5. A technology company that's worked with NASA and DARPA in communications have developed a game-changing ASICS chip and are interested in exploring a partnership with skycoin

  6. A humanitarian company building 46 shopping complexes in Haiti, very interested in utilizing Skywire to help rebuild infrastructure

Further updates on these partnerships will be released when appropriate

Make sure you are part of the skyfleet team by joining the chat at the skycoin telegram channel

The was quickly followed by the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco which held between the 5th to 7th of September 2018.


TechCrunch Disrupt is the world's leading authority in debuting revolutionary start-ups, introducing game-changing technologies and discussing what's top of mind for the tech industry's key innovators. Disrupt gathers the best and brightest entrepreneurs, investors, hackers, and tech fans for on-stage interviews, the Startup Battlefield competition, a 24-hour Hackathon, Start-up Alley, Hardware Alley, and After Parties.


Speakers at the conference included Fope Adelowo, Vice President, Helios Investment Partners, Jim Adler, Founding Managing Director, Toyota AI Ventures
Emeka Afigbo, Head of Platform Partnerships for the Middle East & Africa, Facebook, Tayo Oviosu of Paga payments solution, Claire Delaunay of Nvidia, Yi Wang of lingochamp, Brian Armstrong co-founder and CEO of coinbase, Patrick Ball, Director of Research, Human Rights Data Analysis Group to mention but a few.


Topics discussed ranged from AI and machine learning to the blockchain, Biotech and Health to Fintech, Gaming to justice and diversity, mobility to privacy and security and space to retail and robotics, Hardware and IOT.

Skycoin was represented by the one everybody loves Daken Freeborn and the Skyfleet team.


It was a perfect occasion to educate the audience about what the Skycoin project is all about.
Skycoin is a very ambitious cryptocurrency project that has a lot of different moving parts. Instead of a single coin, it is actually a whole ecosystem of solutions to problems that the blockchain aim to solve.


It is a complete platform that is powered by Skycoin to perform different functions and contribute to the network of interdependent systems. The foundation of the Skycoin ecosystem begins with Skywire.


Skywire presents itself as a meshnet of private services that is decentralized. Skywire clients run a Virtual Private Network (VPN) server that connects users to the Skywire network. These servers are known as Skyminer.
The Skyminer hardware is a custom VPN server that provides the infrastructure to power the Skywire network.


Tried as much as Ed did his best to “disrupt” the show, the real disruptor of the event was again the Skyminer.


It was the cynosure of all eyes as other projects at the conference made various enquiries about it and how it works.



Daken used the opportunity to let them know that the skyminer is a plug and play computer which makes money for you while you sleep.


He showed them the infographics from the August Payout of the skycoin projects to the nodes supporting the network.

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The Skycoin project pays out $250,000 dollars monthly in Skycoin to supporters of the project who provides their Skyminer nodes for the testnet.
By and large, it was a very successful conference for the skycoin team and they were major takeaways


One of the sponsors of the event was so impressed with the Skycoin team that he is giving the team 2 floors in a building in San Francisco to teach blockchain and coding.

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The other major achievement is still kept secret and it is related to the building the project is getting in San Francisco. The non-disclosure agreement will not allow me to release more details.

This is a short video of skycoin at the Disrupt conference in San Francisco

The Skycoin community in Ireland also got to meet up in Dublin and was coordinated by the Skycoin Ireland telegram team.

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It is a group dedicated to all thing Skycoin and Skywire related for people in Dublin and Ireland.
You can join the group @


Under the coordination of @cryptokevo and @Zanshi, the team is very close-knit and experienced technocrats in the cryptocurrency space who are doing everything possible to support the skycoin project.

They help fellow members in setting up Skyminers and actually reached out to @Cryptorich the youtube sensation who did the latest interview with Synth to help set up his miner if he has any difficulties.

They publicized the event that it was given a mention at the blockchain Ireland website.
Blockchain Ireland is a combined effort of government and Irish based companies, led by the IDA Blockchain Expert Group, to help promote and share information on blockchain in Ireland.


The meeting took place in one of Dublin’s famous old pub to drink beer, eat good food and talk about Skywire and the future of the decentralized Internet in Ireland.

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Ireland is a European and global hub to many technology companies and the Irish Skyfleet members discussed the prospects of Skywire penetration in the country and likelihood of adoption.

Zanshi brought along his own Skyminer and showed the guys who were building DIYs how to and what to do when they experienced any issues .


The DIY builders discussed the advantages and disadvantages of different Pis and boards.

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Craael had shipped tee shirts and hats to Dublin for the meetup and these were distributed.
Members really felt they were part of the Skyfleet team.

They also used the new Skycoin app to test transaction speeds of new technology.

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The Ireland team deserves a lot of accolade for the love they share and the passion with which they promote the Skycoin project.
A follow-up meeting is being planned for the following month to build on the initial meeting.
Community Initiatives like that of the Skycoin Ireland team is highly encouraged in other groups as the communities are the life and soul of the Skycoin project.

Last but not the least, Attention of the Skycoin project has been drawn to the Skycoin- Afrique (skycoin Africa French group) team under the coordination of @Blevenec whom we refer to as a phenomenal kid or in French “enfant phénoménal ‘

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In just 2 days the young man started the community and grew the membership to over 1000 active members.
He is so beloved that the head community manager @Skycoin, Sudo decided to adopt him as a son.
He has received so much support for the Skycoin team.
For all the support he gets from the team, he shows his benevolence by equally distributing the skycoin he receives to his community members as a way of encouraging and educating them about Skycoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency in general.

He hails from the Republic of Benin; a French-speaking West African nation is a birthplace of the Vodun (or “voodoo”) religion and home to the former Dahomey Kingdom from circa 1600–1900.
He discovered the skycoin project in a binance chat room where somebody recommended the project as the best project in the crypto space.

He did further research and discovered how promising the project with a bright future and an extraordinary team. He was fascinated to see that Skycoin is not just a cryptocurrency but a project with several parts and the decentralized free internet was the real catch.

He thinks Skycoin can positively change the lives of Africans. Moreso in Benin a country in which it is difficult to accept payments via credit card on websites when your customers are Westerners. He believes Skycoin can serve as an instant payment method, revolutionize the internet and decentralize the Web.
Considering the fact also that Telephone calls from and to the Benin Republic like most other African countries colonized by France are still routed through France despite their getting independence since 1960, He believes that Skycoin Skywire is the way forward and has got some interesting propositions about that.
He is currently studying Law at the University and will be graduating next year.
He works with a developer and they help in managing start-ups

As a rising and shining star, Blevenec was chosen as an Ambassador in February at a competition organized by the Tony Elumelu Foundation.

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Tony Elumelu founder and CEO of United Bank of Africa and Heirs Holding.


The aim of the TEEP is to look for young Africans with big projects to finance them. He was chosen from a pool of 150,000 candidates but they chose only 1250 people after studying their applications and initial presentation. This was followed by twelve weeks of training in entrepreneurship.
He intends to partner with the Ambassador for internet and fintech to present skycoin in Nigeria.


Tony Elumelu is one of the richest men in Africa and knowing him personally he is at the forefront of producing young and enterprising people to run developmental projects that benefit the whole of Africa.


I have discussed with Blevenec to present the Skycoin project by way of the Skyminer.
The pitch is to get a Skyminer on all the campuses in African universities. This would provide a decentralized internet which can help them with their studies and research and basically with the free internet, they should be able to receive the same standard of education that is available in Havard, Cambridge and all the top universities in the world.

Data is extremely expensive in Africa and the ISP are big monopolies, If Mr Elumelu can invest in the skyminers and provide a couple for all the Universities in West Africa, he will not just be educating a generation, he will be making one of his best investments in life

This is calling on all members of skyfleet to take inspiration from one of our youngest members and do something for this project.

You can follow Skycoin-Afrique @

Find out more at

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Buy skycoin directly from the website @


follow me on twitter
View more pictures at the block chance conference at
If you find the article interesting, please send your skycoin donation to


Fantastic write-up as usual! Can't wait to see main-net catch it's legs!

Hi @bivins1, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @blevenec doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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