How to make money online (2#) The campaigns

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In the last lesson we discussed how to make money with faucets. Today we will talk about how to make money with campaigns.

Campaigns are alot more profitable then doing faucets. For a simple user of a forum, they can be paid upwards of 600$ per month for just posting! They would be doing this normally, but now they can get paid to do so!

There are many different types of campaigns, some involve you translating text, and many other different things. The one I will be talking about with you today is posting campaigns.

What these are, is on a forum, you put a ad into your "signature" and get paid for doing so.

There are different types of payments, some being a fixed payment, a payment that cannot change. Or a pay by post, so the more you post, the more cash you rake in.

A good site for this is called bitcointalk ( you can easily earn some quick cash this way. Enough to live off of if you are dedicated enough!

It can take a while to build up to earn enough, but with dedication, you can do it! The list of signature campaigns is here:


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