[EN] Bitcoin Munich Meetup: Wednesday July 26th, 18:00: OpenTimestamps, Minebox, Crypto-Economics, and Forking ConcernssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd will visit us, as well as a delegation from the BHB NETWORK aka Blockchain Lab in Milan, who will together introduce the OpenTimestamps project, plus folks from minebox.io. We are excited and honored to have them all for a packed program this evening.

We will start already at 18:00 this time!




There will also be an introduction talk about the blockchain from a historical and down-to-Earth perspective, a talk about Cryptoeconomics, and we will have a good opportunity to discuss current matters like the forking concerns and how users might be affected in this decisive era of Bitcoin's development and evolution.

Speakers and panelists:


Peter Todd is one of the main contributors to Bitcoin Core, researcher, and initiator of the OpenTimestamps project. His focus are areas like proofchains, treechains and scalability. He is known for working towards improving security and stability in bitcoin without compromising decentralization.


Mir Liponi is the Chief Expert Officer and Nerdsitter at BHB NETWORK, where she selects and connects the best international Bitcoin experts and the most promising startups. At the same time, she organizes the monthly Bitcoin Milan Meetup, one of the biggest blockchain events in Europe.


Giacomo Zucco is the CEO at BHB NETWORK. Theoretical Physicist, former Technology Consultant for Accenture SpA, serial entrepreneur in the field of emerging technologies. Economic blogger and contributor to several Italian newspapers. Involved in several projects in Bitcoin and blockchain space since 2012.


Andreas Petersson is the CTO at Minebox. He is also long-time contributor to the popular Mycelium Wallet and co-founder of Bitcoin Austria. He advised many related startups and has worldwide reputation as expert in the field.


Vlado Petrushev is the founder and CEO at Minebox. Beside involvement in corporate world, he is an early Bitcoin adopter, was part of distributed storage project Storj, and externally consulted blockchain.info on market strategy related topics.

We'll be back at Wayra for this event. Thanks again for hosting us!

(Our meetup group is organized by independent enthusiasts and not affiliated with locations, presenters or sponsors of this or previous events.)

Target Audience: The first part may appeal to a general audience and newcomers, the second part may be interesting for developers, cryptographers, and techies also beyond the blockchain space, and the third part is intended for those who've been following the developments more closely and have skin in this game, be it intellectually, emotionally, or materially.

Probable Timetable:

18:00 Doors open, food and drinks, socializing

18:30 Welcome and introduction of your hosts.

Mir and Giacomo will introduce the Milan-based research/development/incubation/consulting firm Blockchain Lab (now BHB NETWORK), a world-class competence center in the field. First, they will briefly describe its business model and its main activities.

Next, they will examine Bitcoin’s historical roots as well as provide an overview over the specific use cases for Blockchain technology that BHB NETWORK has studied and identified.

19:00 Vlado will give a talk about crypto-economics. What creates value behind public blockchains? The social element, the subjective theory of value, how the value is being created. The tough part of the equation in game-theoretical two sided marketplaces.

19:30 Andreas and Vlado will present the Minebox. Mining isn't feasible in our regions (except during the odd temporary crypto-coin bubbles), or is it? Maybe farming disk space will become a thing? Hopefully we will find out.

20:00 Break

20:30 Peter will present OpenTimestampsProof of Existence aka Timestamping on the blockchain done right.

"A timestamp proves that some data existed prior to some point in time. OpenTimestamps defines a set of operations for creating provable timestamps and later independently verifying them. At the time of writing timestamping on the Bitcoin blockchain is supported, the format is flexible enough to support a variety of methods."

21:30 After a short break, Peter will share his views about the current possible forking scenarios around SegWit, SegWit2x, UASF, BIP91, and what-have-you, though recently some milestone was achieved, both sides of the fence have been celebrating, and things seem to have settled a bit, or have they?

We will also arrange a discussion, probably as a panel. We may have surprise guests, and the discussion will not be one-sided!

22:30 End of official part, drinks, socializing.

24:00 Doors closing

Dear everyone,

As it turns out we can offer you our originally planned program for July. Peter Todd, one of the main contributors to Bitcoin Core, can come after all, along with the BHB folks from Milan!

The event will take place on the new scheduled date, Wednesday, the 26th of July, at Wayra.

As we had invited the minebox.io folks in the meantime, we'll just merge our plan A and plan B and have a long extra-extended evening!

Because of the packed program we will start at 18:00 already!

OpenTimestamps, Minebox, Crypto-Economics, and Forking Concerns


Thanks for your attention, and see you then!

the ::bitcoinmuc:: orga