Genesis Mining Ban.. ?? Daily Crypto News w/ Eugene Forrest
Genesis Mining Ban.. ?? Daily Crypto News w/ Eugene Forrest
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BTC Segwit Address- 3KvWweKexcoS52YQPbS5vfXop7HD2QjH4N

ETH/ERC20/CryptoKitties- 0x585117985FC70152819Fb6C0C1f332E052ea2a67
LTC- LRAt6kobG6zVctwj5hPrqyi63VNwYwpz8U
MONA- MLmWgjK92oDyRUMGebZzkprvLUjPd8DYkB
Doge- DK366WQsZB6uLB9KtriBdpuZqx7zeyRzdK
Never really saw the point in cloudmining. I do want to build my own rig and start mining soon. Not sure if I will mine Bitcoin or some other crypto.
Bitcoin Miners (ASIC) Cost Big $$.. That's why most PPl mine Alt coins ..
Yea that's why I would probably mine alts. Need to do further research to see what's the most profitable first. Wish I could become a witness for a DPOS coin too!
thanks for informations and useful video