What turned out to be a true Ponzi Scheme. USI TECH.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

I have thought long and hard about how to explain about my journey so far. How do I start? What do I say? What if I don’t say enough? What if I say too much?! And then it dawned on me; I should just be me. It might get a bit rambly in places, but sometimes, I can’t help but say 10 words when just one will suffice! I hope that when reading this, the world of Cryptos, trading markets and compounding might make a little more sense to others…

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About 6 months ago, my dear friend approached me and told me about a new crypto-currency concept and would I like to buy some Bitcoin? Now, I am very much like a lot of people; when something new appears and they don’t understand it, it gets very easily dismissed. And this is exactly what I did. I had heard of Bitcoin, but I didn’t understand what it was about, or its concept. I told my friend that I wasn’t interested and secretly, I thought that he was a bit bonkers for being involved himself. Whoever heard about making money with currency that you couldn’t put in your purse? I was really sceptical of ‘normal’ people making money on the trading markets. Leave that for those with the hedge funds or the city bankers eh?

How bitcoin changed my life - the family
That being said, over the next 2 – 3 months, I watched my friend post on social media about Bitcoin, the company that he was involved with and what he was achieving. One day, he posted about how he made a large sum of money, all paid in Bitcoin, through compounding. I sent him a message quicker than Usain Bolt after reading that! I still didn’t fully get it, but if a decent normal guy like my friend was making good money like this, then I needed to taste a piece of the pie too. And so my Bitcoin journey began. With hindsight, I kick myself for not doing it sooner! How bitcoin changed my life

I had moved to Australia at the beginning of 2017, fulfilling a life-long dream. However, the move was extremely expensive and had depleted all of my life savings. I desperately wanted to re-build them, so that I could accumulate a house deposit and buy a decent car. Starting all over again in your late 30s with a couple of kids in tow is bordering on stupidity / bravery / insanity – I am still trying to figure out which, maybe all three! However, this is my reason, my ‘Why’, for taking the plunge and jumping in. Speculate to accumulate as they say, and I was very much prepared to see where it could take me. My ‘day job’ is as a Registered Midwife, and I am bound by various codes of practice to remain honest, act with integrity and not to enter into the realms of anything that could be construed as being dishonest or underhand. This point is crucial to mention, as I would never be involved with something that could potentially end my career that I have worked so very hard for.


I discovered that with the company that I am connected to, I could transfer ‘real’ currency into Bitcoin through an online wallet, and buy Bitcoin packages, for approximately £50 / 50 Euros / A$80 / USD$60 each. I could buy as few or as many as I liked, so I bought a few, to test the waters. I learnt that each package had a shelf life of 140 working days (approximately 6 months), and each trading day, I would receive between 0.75% and 1.25%. This meant that over the lifetime of the packages, I would have a return on capital average of 140%, so I would get my initial outlay returned, plus a further 40%. I also discovered that if I used my returns to buy more packages, (also known as compounding) I would accumulate even more Bitcoin over time, without having to put my hand back in my pocket. Unbeknown to me at the time when I first bought my Bitcoin packages, if Bitcoin increased over time, my Bitcoin holding would be worth even more. Crazily, since I first bought my Bitcoin packages a few months ago, the price has almost doubled, and long-term projections from very credible financial analysts show that this will continue for a good while yet! How bitcoin changed my life

How bitcoin changed my life - me and the husband

I got a bit over-excited at venturing into the world of Crypto-currencies and Bitcoin, that I put a few posts on social media about it. I think that my enthusiasm and excitement was contagious, because lots of my friends and family also wanted to become involved. I was more than happy at being a lonesome nut in my Bitcoin journey, as this was for just me and my family and my return on capital would get paid regardless of what everyone else was or wasn’t doing. I had been advised that if I introduced someone to the Bitcoin packages, that the company paid a referral bonus of 10% of the total value of any packages that they bought. This was fabulous news, as it inadvertently helped me turn a little bit of Bitcoin into a lot of Bitcoin. Any referral bonuses I received went straight back into buying more packages.

I have been a direct partner of my company now for 3 months and the results have been mind-blowing. I took a further plunge as I have become obsessed with trading, and I have acquired a Forex Trading Licence to enable me to expand and diversify my income streams. I now have a viable business, which has a large number of members, all whom are making great returns on Bitcoin. Some choose to remain passive and just watch their Bitcoin grow, whereas others actively seek referrals to boost their Bitcoin pot. It doesn’t matter which route they choose, as ultimately, everyone gets the same returns. My Bitcoin stash has grown rather healthily, which has enabled me to upgrade my little run-around to a brand-new vehicle, much to my husband’s delight! I also earn more than my Midwifery salary each week now. My dream of raising a house deposit has now moved on a notch. In a couple of years’ time, I firmly believe that I will be able to buy the house of our dreams outright. The year started full of uncertainty, trepidation and being financially unstable, but now my family and I are ending the year on an absolute high, so excited and optimistic about what the future holds. How bitcoin changed my life

How bitcoin changed my life - the old car

How bitcoin changed my life - our new car

Article sponsored and written by Lauren Ramoth. To contact Lauren you can visit her Facebook business page BITCOIN TRADING POINT or you can visit her landing page at BITCOIN TRADING POINT USI-TECH

How bitcoin changed my life


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://bitcoin-bug.com/2017/11/05/how-bitcoin-changed-my-life/