The Fearless Migration: Crypto, The Great Redistribution (of Wealth)
Pretty simple, we’re just points away (at the time of writing this post) from a $300 billion dollar crypto market cap. It was just this past April that we hit the $100 billion marker. Amazing but not surprising.
We’ll likely see a pull back at some point but still, the writing is on the wall for what I’ve been calling the Fearless Migration, we have a growing acceleration of people and a multi-generational on boarding of the global populous eager to convert/migrate their hard earned (some times not so hard) fiat into crypto-currencies. That trajectory is going no where, even if there’s another chaotic dump across the board…$500B is easily by Summer ’18. This isn’t even factoring in the real breadth of Wallstreet / Main street adoption.
This is an incredible time, we have our new batches of Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Waltons, Gates, Bezos, Soros, Paulsons in the making… seriously. But…there’s more to come…
I got a batch of 13–16 year old cousins all buying crypto with their spare allowance and aunts and uncles swiping their plastic to ramp up their Coinbase crypto counts. This is spectacular. BTC 10K, ETH 600 all are in the works and around the corner, but the impressive part is people’s appetite and expandable risk tolerance for the alts! The spread and adoption of the underlying ideology of the tokenization of the world is so damn powerful. Just take a peek at the top 20 on … incredible volume and more importantly loyalty, tribalism to these tokens, this is a real craze, a pandemic!
All I can say is this, as the Fearless Migration continues, this purported Ponzi-like phenomenon is going to naturally provide another marvelous paradox…one of the most historical, half systematic half accidental redistributions of wealth of any era conceived, mark my words… gear up and HODL :-) there will be more millionaires made in the past two years and the next three to five years than any other decade in the history of the world, basically it’s when the tsunami of old crony filled, nepotism wrangled old money finally wipes off the dirt in their generational fiat holdings and …migrates to crypto :-)