Bitcoin Over $ 10,000 - Overview of Today's News

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin swooped over the $ 10,000 limit

  • Tom Lee predicts further growth for BTC
  • BTC's mining price in South Korea is $ 26,000 ,
  • VISA accused the Coinbase exchange of up to 50x of transactions
  • The two largest cryptofirms in Japan to join
  • Malaysia will not regulate cryptocurrency
  • Bank of America filed


Cryptocurrency continue to show a slightly upward trend at the end of this week, and the Bitcoin price (BTC) today climbed above $ 10,000. All ten top altcoins also grew, according to data from

Tom Lee, one of Bitcoin's most optimistic promoters, claims that Bitcoin will grow again. By the end of the year, the loss of the last major correction will reach $ 25,000. Bitcoin is currently past the $ 10,000 limit.

$ 26,000 costs one Bitcoin in South Korea - and only $ 530 in Venezuela, according to data released by Elite Fixtures.


After technical problems that led to the fact that the Coinbase Exchange mistakenly charged many customers up to 50 times their original purchase, VISA, one of the largest payment and credit card operators, has just officially accused the stock market of misconduct.


Japan is currently one of the most coveted landscapes in the world of crypto.
In April last year, they made a legal tender from the digital currency and enjoy the free and unrestricted environment of crypto trading. It is thus confirmed that the path for adopting virtual names is an effective and structured regulatory framework. This is going to be improved by linking the two leading crypto exchanges in the country.

But some other governments and central banks consider cryptocurrency to be a massive threat to their existence. Therefore, they formulate so-called "acidic" laws that would cripple the growth of the crypto ecosystem. Bank Negara, the Malaysian central bank, advocates approach to crypto regulation. It wants to make it possible for the public to decide, how best to regulate the digital industry. The bank has clearly stated that it will not be crippled or banned or recognized.


It may be surprising that in the last decade a company that has more cryptocurrency patents than any other, is in many ways the opposite of all decentralized names - it is the Bank of America.
