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RE: Crypto / Bitcoin 101: | MOVIE: (Links/Overview Included) - BANKING ON BITCOIN - ( 83 mins. ) - Super Resource for New Crypto Family/Friends.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Ok, so I've just watched the whole film... mind = blown! I can't believe there is so much history behind bitcoin already! It is obvious that the govornment was trying to use scare tactics to make bitcoin go away but has now realised that is not going to happen. There next step is trying to control it? wow! and the guy who wrote the regulations is such a snake! He basically wrote everyone out of the market so that he could dominate part of it! He stands for the very oppoisite of what the original bitcoin ethos was about! I think I need to go and lie down after watching that lol
Oh and on a side note, I loved the music, the sax player is a genius lol
