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RE: Is Haejin A Guru Or A Quack? Let’s Find Out

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Me, I think it would be nice to know. However, you are taking a big big risk if you do this. You do understand that he with a couple of 100% downvotes on you and his favorite whale a couple of 100% downvotes on you, your Rep could be a twin of berniesanders.

If you have a rescue whale, I would say go for it. If it ends up being a blatant scam, like performance is 230% below what the broader market is, you could be in serious trouble. Remember it is almost always the messenger that takes the bullet.

If you do this, remember steemcleaners will try to help fight against retaliation downvoting, so keep them in the back of your mind if you take this project on.


This is a good point and it is a risk that I have considered. For a start, I am not downvoting anyone and I am trying to approach the issue from an impartial angle and not take sides. I am trusting that my integrity will be recognised and preserved.

If the findings do come out one way or the other and I do get attacked for it, I would hope that I'll find support from other whales to counter any downvotes. If that doesn't happen then my logical conclusion will be that the platforms demise in inevitable and I am wasting my time here, so I will leave. But I am optimistic it won't come to that :)

Even if they do flag you, you'd still be right.

I'd go for it if I cared even the slightest fucking bit. This commie flag was has utterly destroyed any fucks I had left to give about this platform.

I guess I still care a bit and I've missed your posts of late. If you do end up giving any fucks about any other platform please be sure to drop me a note about it :)

If that doesn't happen then my logical conclusion will be that the platforms demise in inevitable and I am wasting my time here, so I will leave. But I am optimistic it won't come to that.

I'll be right behind you if this happens, because I always believed that this was Steemit's biggest flaw.

Agreed. This is a commie nightmare waiting to flare out. The "party" controls the stake, and they decide how much you "get" to have.

Same here I think if Steemit can clean it's act up regarding this we have a serious platform otherwise it's going to die.

If the worst does happen, then I am sure some will come to your aid. I think it would be something @ned would aid in if he had to, and if not, there are a lot of redfish, minnows, and dolphins that would try to help, if a call for help is sent out.

Oh, yeah, Ned is a real crusader for helping the little guy rofl:

Ned Self Vote 6k.png

Ned Self Vote $6000.png

Corollary: This place is fucked.

I am trusting that my integrity will be recognised and preserved.

This is a nice sentiment, but unfortunately people don't always respect impartiality and the scientific method. This whole haejin mess is pretty ridiculous. I'm just a minnow watching the sidelines but when money is at stake people have a tendency to toss out things like respect of integrity.

I still think it's a good idea, though. I like the idea of someone actually doing the research instead of taking sides and screaming at each other.

You have to BE the change you want to see in the world...or in this case, platform :)

This is going to be a good test for me to find out if I am wasting my time here. So I look forward to the outcome however it plays out.

You are, indeed, mostly wasting your time here.

Ned Self Vote 6k.png

Ned Self Vote $6000.png

Abuse 3.png

Abuse 2.png

Transisto Hypo 4.png

Transisto Hypo 3.png

Transisto Hypo.png

The prosecution rests...and is going out for some hard liquor.

great post, shame it's buried here inside the inside.

On that quote alone i wish you all the best amigo!

Any deliberate bullying without due course of discussions should be countered. One way for that would be to create an account that could counter such attacks and all sensible people can delegate some SP to this account so that the greater interests of the platform are maintained.

However one good thing amongst all these hoopla is that people recognise Steem as value and a source generating income and hence all these attempts at gaming the system. When there are ways to make money power play comes into fore and it is the same case with Steem as well. But let us hope that with governance built into blockchain it can be better handled on Steem than in the real world.

Whether Steem whales will consider the long term prospects of the platform and hence their own or will they think short term will decide the fate of the platform itself in my opinion.

Do you mean gaming the system as in posting multiple comments in response to a post, self-voting them to 100% without even upvoting the original post.

Yeh, that sort of gaming the system really sucks eh. It's rife.