My 8 Month Crypto Ride - Quit Smoking For Good - CCT Group On Facebook

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hey Guys

I Hope everyone has had an amazing holiday and new year!

Happy new year 2018.jpg (Better Late Than Never)

Its Been a few months now since iv'e set my fingers on a laptop keyboard to write and a lot has gone on since i last posted.


I think one of my last posts was about how i was quitting smoking, in which i ended up relapsing and starting again after around 7 days. It just wasn't the right time for me to do it.
But.... as of 3rd of October 2017 i am now smoke free and haven't felt as good as i do today for a very long time.

If anyone is going through the absolute shit storm of Quitting smoking all i can say is the cravings for these dirty life stealers don't last forever, in-fact after about 3 weeks i was down to thinking about them maybe just once or twice a day and 6 weeks in they were a thing of the past so Keep your heads up, be positive and quit the habit for good.

Its a Cliche but I promise it will be the best thing you ever do!

The next part is about how iv'e gone from a small investment to a fairly larger portfolio of different crypto's.

The last 8 months have been a hell of a ride in the cryptoverse!

Iv'e made money and lost money, iv'e lost sleep and sometimes feel as though iv'e lost part of my sanity with how many times a day blockfolio has been checked or how many times iv'e looked at the same chart trying to figure out entry and exit points but i would not change it for anything.

This may sound sad to many people but its so exciting to watch the charts and researching different coins daily!
There is never a dull day in crypto.
The likes of ETH and Neo have been very good to me recently and i cannot wait to see where my other Alts take me.

I also have to mention Crypto Coin Trader.jpg
Crypto Coin Trader which many of you will know and for those of you who don't is a FB Group with i think over 85k members.
This group has been a god send to not just me but to many, many people from noobs to even veterans of the crypto space.
Everyone is like 1 big crypto family and help each other daily with massive effect, Especially a certain few people who have made exceptional calls and who have researched day and night to give insight on coins that otherwise would have been missed.
I have been a bystander who has been watching and learning from a distance and would like these people to know their efforts and generous calls are massively appreciated.
So on behalf of a hell of a lot of people i would like to say thank you to this group of people -

Joe Blackburn
Revv Nissan
Kurt Connolly
Todd Blackburn
Jedidiah Taylor
Zachary Gloots

A massive sorry if i have missed anyone that has helped these are just a few that was at the front of my mind whilst writing this.

Anyways this has been a little insight to how and what iv'e been doing over the last few months, i hope everyone who is into crypto is making massive gains and don't worry too much about corrections (crashes) its natural, everything cant moon forever!

This Is a list of coins i hold for long term:

VeChain (VEN) - soon to be Vet after Re-Branding on the 26th Feb.
Neo (NEO) - Has been the best gainer for me so far. (Produces gas whilst held in wallet)
Decent.Bet (DBET) - Absolute Beast Team. Have massive hopes for this long term.
Rise (Rise) - In my op very undervalued. Fork of Crypti

I would also like to mention the Concierge ICO which starts its pre-sale on the 14th Feb and is a NEO ICO.

Concierge Steem Pic.jpg

Concierge is a decentralized online travel booking marketplace. will be a system of travel which connects consumers and vendors directly together over the platform, to discuss their deal details with 0% fees or commission to pay middlemen. In addition, which will be a global travel marketplace that will connect with the decentralized engine and utilize the blockchain. (The Travel Booking Marketplace). The decentralized system will hold the CGE booking ledger which will be the core of the ecosystem.

There will Be 100 million total supply of Concierge (CGE) tokens, of which 65% will be allocated to the Public in Token Distribution Events, 15% will be Retained for Founders, Team, Hires, Advisors, Community, Backers and 20% Reserved for Future Business Development & Market Expansion.

Personally I'm going Long on Concierge But as always this is not investment advice and always DYOR.

Have an amazing day

Thanks Guys