What Is Laser Coin?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

What Is Laser Coin?
Laser Coin is a cryptocurrency that uses an open protocol to facilitate secure payment transactions. The platform is decentralized and distributed to different nodes on the network. The platform is described as “nearly identical” to bitcoin because it was built on the bitcoin platform. Just like bitcoin, you can send LZR anywhere in the world. All transactions are recorded on the blockchain.

In the event that Laser Coin is indistinguishable to bitcoin, at that point for what reason do we require it? What issues does Laser Coin try to tackle? Essentially, Laser Coin is by all accounts connected to a loaning plan where you can acquire cash by staking it on the stage – like Bitconnect, Hextra, and different organizations. Be that as it may, there's constrained data about the undertaking accessible on the web, so it's difficult to make sense of anything about this venture (in spite of the reality the ICO is planned for December 8).

We should investigate how Laser Coin functions and what makes it one of a kind.

How Does Laser Coin Work?

Laser Coin's authentic site depicts the money as "a genuine task that creates genuine advantages for its group and speculators." If that line doesn't persuade you, at that point Laser Coin's loaning system may carry out the activity. The loaning program appears to work like Bitconnect and other crypto loaning plans: you store cash, bolt that cash up for a multi-month time frame, at that point pull back gigantic benefits once the advance is finished.

Obviously, Bitconnect has been blamed for being a Ponzi plot, and other crypto loaning stages are obtrusive tricks that offer unimaginably significant yields. Is Laser Coin yet another loaning trick? Or then again is this a genuine undertaking?

The issue with Laser Coin is that there's restricted data about the coin accessible on the web. The official site, LaserICO.online, has no whitepaper or additional data about the task. There are pictures of a Laser Coin application, and a fundamental diagram of the loaning stage, yet there's no solid data about the undertaking's objectives.

This is what we think about Laser Coin in light of the site:

You can loan or get Laser Coin through the laser coin stage

At the point when a loaning contract is finished, you can pull back Laser Coin or reestablish your agreement

Each loaning contract goes on for 30, 45, 60, or 90 days, contingent upon the measure of cash being loaned; LZR can't be pulled back amid this period

You can win referral commissions of 4%, down 5 levels, for alluding individuals to the stage

There's no base or greatest coin loaning sum

Laser Coin doesn't appear to have any intrigue program set up; on the off chance that you get 1 LZR through the stage, at that point you're required to pay 1 LZR back to the stage, and the bank gets 1 LZR

The motivating force to loan LZR originates from the normal future cost; if the cost of 1 LZR is $1 USD when you store it, and that value ascends to $5 USD when you pull back it, at that point you've profited

That is the procedure specified on the official site. I don't generally comprehend what Laser Coin is attempting to state here. For what reason would somebody loan cash at a 0% financing cost? Is there any valid reason why you wouldn't simply clutch your coins while they acknowledge in esteem? The organization bases a ton of its data on the presumption that the cost of Laser Coin will rise drastically – however we see no motivation to trust that will ever happen.

How will laser differ from existing blockchain solutions ?

The primary difference is in accountability. The true backbone of blockchains is the supply of full nodes to verify transactions (not the supply of miners, which process transactions). Since these full nodes generally do not get rewarded like miners do, there is little incentive to operate them. Laser’s model provides for compensation of full nodes, while also requiring them to put up collateral in order to operate. With incentives to provide stable computing resources, and do so honestly, Laser will ensure a reliable, trustworthy, and sustainable blockchain environment.

Laser Coin Roadmap

Laser Coin doesn't seem to have any items or administrations set up the present moment. Notwithstanding, the ICO and web wallet are booked for December 2017, trailed by the dispatch of a mining pool and blockchain wayfarer in January 2018. The loaning program is relied upon to dispatch in February.

By December 2018, Laser Coin would like to dispatch an Android application, be recorded on numerous trades, and have a total mining/loaning framework set up.

The Laser Coin ICO

The Laser Coin ICO dispatches on December 8, 2017. There's restricted data about the ICO accessible on the web. Be that as it may, it appears you can save your coins by going to LaserICO.online today.

Like other loaning plan crypto organizations, Laser Coin has a settled supply of coins accessible every day. Hextra's ICO propelled with this model, and they utilized it to appear like their coin had higher request than it really did.

Regardless, the Laser Coin site records a swapping scale of $5 per token. In any case, they additionally say that 300 LZR tokens will be accessible at a cost of 0.08 BTC amid the ICO, trailed by 900 LZR tokens at a cost of 0.02 BTC, and 4 million LZR tokens at a cost of 0.05 BTC, with the last 12 million LZR tokens recorded at 0.1 BTC.

The organization asserts that there's an aggregate supply of 49.6 million Laser Coin tokens, with just around 16 million of those tokens accessible amid the ICO. It's indistinct where the rest of the tokens are held.

Who's Behind Laser Coin?

Laser Coin's site includes no group data, and the organization has no contact data posted on the site.

Regularly, when somebody requests that you put resources into their chance however declines to reveal their data, it implies you're being misled.

Limitations of Current Blockchain Solutions

Traditional blockchain technologies face several practical issues, which are hindering the adaptation of these technologies into mainstream use. We will be focusing on the blockchain technology implemented in Bitcoin as the central case study to demonstrate its limitations. We believe that the blockchain mechanisms used in Bitcoin are well established, and have the largest base of installations as of this writing. Further, most other cryptocurrencies use similar concepts in their blockchains. Hence, we believe the limitations that Bitcoin faces are representative of those that are faced by other cryptocurrencies as well.

Token Details
The total supply of Photons will be capped at 42 million units.
All ETH and ETC holders will be entitled to Photons under the proposed distribution
plan, as below.

30% (12.6 million Photons) will be pre-mined for the company.
15% (6.3 million Photons) will be pre-mined for the servicenode crowdsale.
30% (12.6 million Photons) will be generated by the miners. Note that eventually the
mining will be replaced with PoS by Q4 2018.
25% (10.5 million Photons) will be airdropped to Ethereum and Ethereum classic
holders. The Photons allotted to the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic holders will be 5%
of their current holdings.
Current holders of Ethereum and Ethereum Classic will be incentivized to begin staking
on the Laser network through a targeted airdrop. Currently it is estimated that they will
be rewarded with a yearly payout of 36% in Photons.

For more information:
website: https://laser.xyz/
bitcoin talk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3466533.0
medium: https://medium.com/laserprotocol
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LaserProtocol