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RE: $70,000 Bitcoin SOLD @ $2588

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Craig Grant ( @craig-grant )! You have done it AGAIN.. I watched your 70k video and learned a critical strategy that I had no idea I could pull off -- (even) at my level !! -- I'm sorry, but the information you provide from EXPERIENCE, TRIAL, ERROR & SUCCESS is PRICELESS.. I don't think most people understand how valuable what you are GRANTing really is.

Lots of people want a "magic pill" (or YOUR magic pill) and when you are feeding it to them, they want to ask "what's inside?" -- MAGIC, mfer, MAGIC -- just take it, because you would NOT be here asking for MORE, if you had enough MAGIC of your own. "GRANT" on Mr. Grant!! Grant On.

Screen Shot 2017-07-04 at 9.23.13 PM.png

GRANT Permission to Speak Frankly

Isn't that just the fitting for you, Craig? (Sniggles)


I watched 16 of @craig-grant youtube... i enjoy watchingbit and learn some tricks. Hehehe... i like the interesting blogs.

His ( @craig-grant 's) tried and true experience is priceless. I've saved myself from a ton of 'fumblin around' and the expenses associated with that, just by paying attention to "what" he's saying AND "how he's saying it".. Everything he is saying is thought about -- don't think his presentation isn't well crafted just because he is able to 'flow' -- you can benefit from watching "how" he operates not just the results. #ijs It's rare and precious to get exposure to that caliber of experience and all you have is "$0.01" to offer. #noway Last I checked, a college education will cost you $100k and they aren't going to prove anything to you just lecture and let you listen. What's the difference?

You are right...