Hashbx.com [Real farm mining] invest your bitcoin and receive 0.5-1.0% per day. (Thailand invest)

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

What is HASHBX.com

hashbx.com is farm mining in Thailand where support about Thai investor to mining real bitcoin no fake or pozi scam.It use Antminer S9 and S7 location in Udontani Province. now it have growing more in Thailand and support English to invest too.

> Invest in real farm mining is good. you can sleep wall at every night.

Data mining specification 

  • 1. You can minimum invest by bitcoin about $10 and receive hash power in 50 gh/s
  • 2. if you invest $1,000 you will receive hash power 5th/s (Suggestion)
  • 3. Electric charge $7.5/day/5th/s
  • 4. Receive bitcoin every day. (Estimate every 7 hours)
  • 5. Lifetime about 3-5 years.
  • 6. Estimate 180% profit per day.

I like it! Very interesting! Good Luck To You!

Thank you a lot.