My thoughts on Bitcoin
My thoughts on Bitcoin:
Fortunes ebb and flow; much like the continuous fluctuations of government regulations, political positions and societal norms. These variations are common, accepted and for the most part expected.
"It is these fluctuations that measure developmental stability."
Palmer, A. Richard, and Curtis Strobeck. "Fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of developmental stability: implications of non-normal distributions and power of statistical tests." Acta Zoologica Fennica 191 (1992): 57-72.
Lets start with indexing, by creating a baseline analysts compare an agreed upon "absolute value" taken from multiple sources. It is because a standard was established that measurements can be made. Cryptocurrency curators should remain cognizant and be wary of "apples to oranges" comparisons; even within the realm of altcoins not to mention blockchain protocols and applications. For instance, not all of Altcoins should be considered an "apples to apples" comparison to Bitcoin in terms of scaling, scarcity and security. Is this a bad thing?
In my opinion a staple-currency, such as Bitcoin that fluctuates moderately is more appealing to investors because of its potential. I would however consider Bitcoin's rise in late 2013 to be similar to what is happening now and outside the box of moderate fluctuation. For long-term investors like myself, the fluctuation is great considering blockchain popularity seems to run tandem to the movements of the more popular currencies.
As with anything of potential value, scarcity carries a big stick and with a maximum amount of approximately 21 million Bitcoins possible, a hard-cap that serves as a deflation buffer and protective layer provided the demand has an upward slope will result in an increase of value.
In conclusion, for my goals and intentions I'm investing in a few protocols that I believe will begin to harness the awesome power of the blockchan. I will continue to invest in Bitcoin but I believe it will probably level-out, at let partially before the next boom. Good luck to you all, may your investments prosper.
we need a brief comma-semicolon refresher. intro clauses beginning with prepositions When, Since, Before, etc. use a comma at the end of the clause. When I was your age, we ate pie. Use a comma to create a compound sentence that uses a linking word like and. sentence sentence, and sentence sentence.
Avoid semicolons at all cost. Use to separate two complete sentences that are related and can be made into a compound sentence without a linking word. I like cheese; my wife likes cheese also. Use a semicolon in a series of items wherein the items are lengthy/complex or themselves contain commas. There was the guy with the goat like haircut; the lady who never walks her dog but loves it more than anything; and the man in the brownish red coon skin hat from PennsylTucky.
The comma can also be used carefully in a rhetorical manner... to mimic speech patterns. there was the thing, and then the thing, oh there was also the thing, the thing, and the thing, and and the thing.
When in doubt use a comma or nothing. Never default to the semicolon.
Thanks for the info and those tips.

At this moment the ether is all about.. It has such influence to the market. With all the ICO’s and tokens..
I definitely consider Ethereum's current situation to be indicative of an unsettled market; I anticipate more fluctuations as the average cost edges upward.