This Simple Mind Shift Will Drastically Change Your Financial Well-Being: Monetary Seed vs Monetary Fruit

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

A friend of mine recently made me realise something most people never do. At least, most people who have been brainwashed through our global school system in the same way I have, which is most of society.It’s a simple lesson, a simple mind shift, yet it has led to phenomenal financial changes in my life.I used to be the one who expected change but kept doing the same thing over and over. I thought I’d see different results some day. How blind I was!

What Our School Systems Teach Us.

I’m going to keep this short and to the point… The entire school system is designed to teach us how to become employees. Go to school, get good grades, go work for a company. Trade your time for money. Struggle financially and deteriorate your health by sitting in an office all day for hours on end.How would our world have been different if our school systems taught us how to be entrepreneurs, inventors, problem solvers, innovators? We have rampant ADHD numbers among our children because they are forced into an environment where they aren’t properly stimulated.

There are two different Latin roots of the English word “education.” They are “ educare,” which means to train or to mold, and “ educere,” meaning to lead out. While the two meanings are quite different, they are both represented in the word “education.”

As quoted above, both “train or to mold” as well as “to lead out” is represented in the word “education”. But looking at our school systems, we realise that the second, and most important part of education — “drawing creativity and ideas out of people” — is missing or barely encouraged. Instead, a bunch of information determined by a centrally controlled educational organisation determines what needs to be forced down our throats. We are merely “trained” and “molded” to think in a certain way. A way they want us to think in.It’s no wonder most people are financially illiterate and walk around without dreams and aspirations because they don’t believe they’ll ever be able to afford pursuing them.

Understanding Monetary Seed vs Monetary Fruit.

We all understand the potential within the seeds of a fruit. A single seed will give very little nutrition to your body once you eat it. And once you eat it, it is gone. However, it has the potential to grow into an enormous fruit bearing tree. A fruit bearing tree can feed you for months or years, as well as produce more seeds. This exponentially increases the potential and value of a single seed. But only if that seed is planted. Only if we allow for delayed gratification. This tree is called an asset.It is the same with money!Many of us prefer to live off the ‘seeds’ we receive each month ( our salaries ). We never plant those seeds. We never use our money to purchase assets. Rather, we spend our money to feed our “instant gratification” mentality.

How And Where To Plant Your Monetary Seeds.

There are many assets one can purchase which will produce Monetary Fruit for you.I will share which assets I have been purchasing that now produces Monetary Fruit for me on DAILY basis. This is the very definition of having money work for you.My assets include Bitcoin & Crypto Currency mining hardware. The barrier to entry is extremely low at around $15 ( roughly ZAR180.00 ). Obviously, your income will be much greater if you are able to spend more.The best part about this: I do not need to maintain any of this hardware myself. No headaches, no stress. I do not need to be a technology expert. This is possible due to dedicated Crypto mining companies who manage all this technology on behalf of their clients.Many individuals invest in real estate and make an income off their rental income or capital gains. This, of course, requires large sums of capital to get started. It is not something everyone can afford.Yet these days we are quite comfortable walking into a bank to request a loan for a new car or house. We are quite comfortable taking on debt in order to buy these kinds of liabilities. That’s right, they are liabilities, not assets. As long as you are spending more money on something than what it generates for you, it is a liability.Why not rather buy assets instead? An asset can pay your liabilities for you. And once the liability has been paid off, your asset continues to generate income. This also allows you to buy even more assets.Crypto currency mining produces a far greater income relative to the rental income generated through the real estate property. It is also far more affordable to get started.

Go Take Action!

If you want to learn how I am doing this, please go ahead and contact me on LinkedIn. I gladly share this information freely, for your benefit. If you have questions, just ask.If you think anyone else might also benefit from this article, I would really appreciate it if you could like it and share it on your social networks. Thank you so much!